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"I'd want to see IBM Watson + Google Glass, Now talk about Healthcare Disruption!"

Coriell Life Sciences Prepares for the Whole-Genome Health Environment

Nice one from Coriell Life Sciences CEO: "We want Watson to be the kind of gatekeeper for what’s happening in the medial field and really supercharge our whole process." Watson & DTC genomic medicine? Can't wait!

Could XBox Kinect help pharma redefine patient support programs?

"Researchers hijack cancer migration mechanism to ‘move’ brain tumors."

How to Get a Job at Google

Pomplamoose: on the artist business plan

Watched these videos with great interest yesterday... very informative... Great artists, great music, great voice... What's not to like? Thank you, Pomplamoose! We LOVE who you are and what you do!

This Blog Post is for my husband :-)

"HIPAA is conveniently intentionally misunderstood & misused by the medical establishment."

Biologie de synthèse : vers une industrialisation du vivant ?

Débouchés intéressants pour les étudiants de l'école "42 Born To Code" à Paris...

Nanoparticles to diagnose cancer or blood clots via urine

"GoogleGlass and other Marvels/future amazing feats in technology."

"Two thirds of patients who check their medical records find errors but providers don't have process to correct."

"WTF? : Hospital records of all NHS [UK] patients sold to insurers."

Cancer clinical trials reinvented

For the first time ever, neuroscientists have completed a roadmap of the top-trafficked "highways" in the brain!

"Whole-genome haplotyping using long reads and statistical methods."

"The rapid growth of sequencing technologies has greatly contributed to our understanding of human genetics. Yet, despite this growth, mainstream technologies have not been fully able to resolve the diploid nature of the human genome. Here we describe statistically aided, long-read haplotyping (SLRH), a rapid, accurate method that uses a statistical algorithm to take advantage of the partially phased information contained in long genomic fragments analyzed by short-read sequencing. For a human sample, as little as 30 Gbp of additional sequencing data are needed to phase genotypes identified by 50× coverage whole-genome sequencing. Using SLRH, we phase 99% of single-nucleotide variants in three human genomes into long haplotype blocks 0.2–1 Mbp in length. We apply our method to determine allele-specific methylation patterns in a human genome and identify hundreds of differentially methylated regions that were previously unknown. SLRH should facilitate population-scale haplotyping of human genomes."

"Creative destruction will drive disruptive innovation to make health care a positive economic driver...not a cost."

Son of leg amputee patient: healthcare system works in silos where it should work across the silo

Amputated patient is trying to engage emergency care in digital age (or will die trying)

AUDIO VERSION (download audio file). This is a success story: listen to how a leg amputated patient is engaging emergency care in digital age!

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them. 

Son of leg amputee patient: healthcare system works in silos where it should work across the silo: (video in French)

Nicolas from Jean Michel Billaut on Vimeo.

About four years ago, my friend, a French digital economist (actually one of the top social media influencers in his country), felt a violent and sudden pain in his knee and the back of his leg, as he was playing with his three-year old grandson. Turns out it was his popliteal artery that was ailing. My friend had been experiencing what you might call the equivalent of a cerebrovascular accident, but instead of happening in his brain, the bad news was happening at the back of his left leg.

His son, a physician, calls 911 – or rather, the French equivalent of 911, as this is all happening in France. The son happens to work at the exact same place where the father lives. How convenient and ideal for an emergent patient! Optimal reaction time, as you might say. Excellent! Except that no ambulance was sent, in spite of the accurate description of popliteal aneurysm symptoms made by his son on the phone. Yes, you hear me, on the phone. I know, this is digital age, but guess what? (Non-) emergent patients are being triaged… on the phone. The whole thing seems to run by fortuneteller rather than by scientific standards, if you want my opinion…Anyway, the person operating the triage system in this particular circumstance did not deem it necessary to require an ambulance, so much for optimal reaction time and care. When finally the ambulance came, they were not sure exactly where to go so they just drove my friend around, see if they could find some available OR, and some available surgeon, vascular surgical specialty. 

"Sorry, that OR is not equipped for vascular surgery," "- oh ok, I see, well, we’ll try some other place then," and so on and so forth. 
Four hours later – and this is happening near Paris, mind you, not in the middle of nowhere! – my friend finally sees a surgeon… said surgeon wears a frown: “Not sure you can keep your leg… It looks bad… You should have come earlier…”
I kid you not.

Guess what happened next? My friend had to undergo several painful surgical procedures AND vascular surgeon could not avoid leg amputation. They could not save my friend's limb. Pay AND suffer.

The saddest thing of all is that this is only the beginning of the nightmare… I’ve been listening to him telling his story on various occasions in the course of the past few years and months and each time he sounded like whenever he was trying to explain his situation to medical and admin staff, he got "put in his place". A few days ago, he told his story on his blog, using real names and wrote about conversations that actually took place – but he ended up receiving threat phone calls: "We’ll harm your family if you don’t take this off your blog." That kind of thing.

He pressed charges (delayed treatment) and lost the trial. Dismissed case.

The point he wants to make? Our healthcare system works in silos where it should work across the silo. How about using telemedicine for patient triage?

"72% of Consumers Are Willing to See a Doctor Via Telehealth Video Conferencing in the US."(just about the same in France, I would guess)...

Now, how about some smartphone app that would signal which OR is available, in which surgical specialty, so that ambulances don’t have to drive a patient around for hours, trying to guess where they should drop him… Is emergency care bound to be like a shot in the dark – in digital age, when we have a 'killer app' for just about anything? Anything but health? How ironic!
Yet in the course of four years, we saw a lot of engineers, they offered their eager and friendly and expert help and advice to make appropriate apps and promote telemedicine. Now I'm thinking back at all the efforts we have deployed, and looking back at all the meetings we’ve held… but to little avail. We could have saved time. We could have saved energy. Why? Because, you know what? 

It is not in the best interest of those occupying a privileged or strategic position to listen to my friend and his embarrassing futuristic technological mood.

Click on the pic to view it full size

Whenever I listen to what my internet and futuristic minded friend has to say about digital economy in general and its disruptive aspects in particular, though, the "futuristic-technological-mood" thing just makes perfect sense!

FUTURE 2.0? Generations, myths, beliefs, religions, philosophies, technology and its use, added value and its distribution... by Homo Sapiens.

This presentation has been held at the Paris offices of  L'Oreal, in April 2012. It explains major shifts of paradigm happening right here and right now in medicine, business, economy, communication. Genomics and digital care combine for healthcare ... The global digital economy is getting in gear, reorganizing our entire economic system ... Open source technologies, wireless medicine, robotics ... Let's take a look at the facts ... How to survive and thrive?  Be on the lookout for information, as "the general who wins a battle is the best informed" (Sun Tzu, "The Art of War").

What happened to my friend could happen to me, it could happen to you, in fact it could happen to just anybody. Forget about France. Forget about the U.S. Because it's just the same story. Medicine is sick. How can we heal it? We don’t need lonesome cowboys, we need pit crews. Now saying this is as disruptive as it gets. Will surgeons let the patients hold the scalpel? I, for one, know the answer.

OptimizeMe, a Lifelogging App Interpreting the Quantified Self Data, Launches in the Apple App Store

"All science education will include the study of communication skills."

The Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition.

"There is a new approach being tried that kills leukemia using a patient's own immune system."

Eric Topol MD: "What do you think of 'add-appters' as the hardware adds for smartphone medical apps?"

Oh, and by the way, here's the recommendation I wrote today on Eric Topol MD's LinkedIn Page:

"IBM Solar Collector Magnifies Sun By 2000X – These Could Provide Power To The Entire Planet."

Ray Kurzweil in a Google Science Fair 2014 Hangout On Air

Will watch...

My question to Ray Kurzweil:
It is said that 1 billion jobs will be lost in 10 years. Could you provide us with precise job examples or profiles that typically belong to the "past" (now) and to the future (2014 + onward)? Are job descriptions and stethoscopes a relic from the past?

"Interpreting genetic variation in a single human requires tens of thousand genomes"

The supercomputer meets the sequencer: 240 full genomes in 2 days

Robin Cook and Eric Topol: "How Digital Medicine Will Soon Save Your Life."

"You wake up with chest pain. Your smartphone reads your ECG. If it's a heart attack, it calls an ambulance and sends your data ahead to the ER"....

A new micro-robotic technique for 3D-printing tissues

What personal results would you want from whole genome sequencing?

"Google Unveils A Smartphone Prototype That Maps The World."

La géolocalisation s'invite aux urgences

The 10 Rules Of Emotional Health

"First rule of emotional health: Don't beg for attention.
Second rule of emotional health: Don't let other people bring you down.
Third rule of emotional health: Don't hold grudges.
Fourth rule of emotional health: Do your own thing.
Fifth rule of emotional health: Believe in yourself. Always. 
Sixth rule of emotional health: Don't be afraid to love.
Seventh rule of emotional health: Don't be afraid to slow down. 
Eighth rule of emotional health: Learn to say "No".
Ninth rule of emotional health: Give back.
Tenth (and last) rule of emotional health: Remember, happiness is a decision."

FDA: "How to Regulate Fecal Transplants."

Facebook, WhatsApp and the "missense SNP variant" theory

"New study shows no benefit to screening mammography, a $100 million industry in the U.S."

Wired: This Woman Invented a Way to Run 30 Lab Tests on Only One Drop of Blood

Welcome to Genomics England!

Is Organ Transplant An Epidemiologic Nonsense?

"Is the crisis of obesity hiding a bigger problem?"

"Both a surgeon and a self-experimenter, Peter Attia hopes to ease the diabetes epidemic by challenging what we think we know and improving the scientific rigor in nutrition and obesity research."

An Engineering Feat Gives Hearts Extra Life

"Left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) are implantable heart pumps that were created to temporarily support patients with advanced heart failure as the bridge between diagnoses and transplant. However, with new scientific advancements, LVADs are becoming a long-term tool for improving heart function without transplant.
The right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs, but the left ventricle is responsible for pumping blood to the rest of the entire body, making it much more susceptible to failure. Therefore, LVADs have been the focus of most modern research to prolong and improve life saving implants."

Mechanical circulatory support: well, Pr. Daniel Loisance, a French cardiac surgeon, asked in November 2004 if we were ready for this major shift of paradigm: from heart transplant to mechanical circulatory support (LVADs)... Answer comes 10 years later with this Forbes article...

2014 Google Science Fair, students can submit ideas (due May 12)

J. Craig Venter: "A new beginning for medicine will soon be announced."

New tech to sequence human genome in 15 minutes for about $120

WikiLeaks now offers a search engine to help you find documents linked to any keyword

"This old man."

"Clean cut genetics" - how gene-editing technique CRISPR could transform genetic research

"While non-coding regions may not be considered low hanging fruit, they may represent critical missing piece of puzzle."

Exploring Personal Genomics with Dr. Paul Beaver -- Welcome to Fitgenes, the Australian 23&me

"We are good at keeping people alive, but we are not good at keeping them healthy. (...) Life expectancy is increasing, but health expectancy is decreasing."

One-size-fits-all medicine is not working"... 

Dr. Paul Beaver explains how, in this context, personal genomics -- patient-centered medicine -- jumps in!

Researchers developed "a low-cost device that could help pathologists diagnose pancreatic cancer earlier and faster."

Time for New DNA Synthesis and Sequencing Cost Curves