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My Kinky (MIT) MOOCs

Eric Lander, MIT

DNA Replication & Repair

My jacket. I'm now a proud member of The Walking Gallery of Health Care (Jan. 28, 2015)

Starting this new MOOC today...

Prof. Tania Baker, MIT, in EdX MOOC 7.28x1

Prof. Tania Baker, MIT, in EdX MOOC 7.28x1

Prof. Tania Baker, MIT, in EdX MOOC 7.28x1

MOOC MITxBio & EdX 7.28x1

What if the 3rd industrial revolution was about life?

"Cracking The Code"
 Reading the book right now...

Genomic Entertainment?

Dying Steve Jobs: "Welcome to the digital Era of biology! Time to learn about it."

 Beauty & The Beast:

Link to video

My MOOC evangelist jacket. Cool! It was painted early 2015 by Regina Holliday, 
Founder of The Walking Gallery of Health Care & author of "The Writing on the Wall".

Our software (DNA) is making its own hardware (proteins, cells). Welcome to the digital era of biology! Time to learn about it.

Yes, this is dying Steve Jobs. Welcome to the digital era of biology!

Eric Lander (MIT, Broad Institute): "The Beauty of Knowledge"

La France raterait-elle le virage de la e-santé ?

My Kinky MOOCs

Thank you thank you thank you Regina Holliday, Founder of the Walking Gallery of Health Care! Just received my jacket... I'm in the middle of my final exam for 3rd diploma in genomics at MIT *right now*...

I am now a biology MOOC evangelist... 
So... How do you like my new jacket? ... Soon you will discover the story behind it...

Painted by Regina Holliday, Founder of the Walking Gallery of Health Care

Painted by Regina Holliday, Founder of the Walking Gallery of Health Care

Painted by Regina Holliday, Founder of the Walking Gallery of Health Care

My review of 7.28.1x on Coursetalk