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Spicing Up Genomics

This Is Genomic Entertainment (cont'd)

After a meeting with the film production company i work with in Taiwan, we decided i would try some kind of "genomic entertainment" on twitter, around the idea of Sheldon Cooper (US TV show "Big Bang Theory") speaking about the "Three Body Trilogy" by Chinese sci-fi author Cixin Liu. Building bridges between cultures (and continents), although i must confess i'm not quite sure where this is going ;-) This is the sequel to my blog post: Migrating My Bank To My Genome, and What Happened On The Way and This Is Genomic Entertainment. BTW, will be spending lots of time in various countries in Asia between September 2017 and February 2018, including Japan and Taiwan.

Pics from the Three Body Trilogy (movie):

My MOOCs Menu

MITxBio 7.00x, 7.28.1x-2x, 7.QBWx certified. Next up...

Everybody Knows People Are Algorithms; Not Equations

This is the sequel to following blog posts:
1) Migrating My Bank To My Genome, And What Happened On The Way
2) This Is Genomic Entertainment

Spicing up genomics:

"Your medical record is worth 20 times your credit card on the black market" (George Church)

Genomics with "ze" French touch: "1500 € d'amende si on se fait séquencer par 23&me"
Get your genome sequenced by 23andMe, get a 1,500-$-fine (as per French bioethics laws).

This Is Genomic Entertainment

After a meeting with the film production company i work with in Taiwan last week, we decided i would try some kind of "genomic entertainment" on twitter, around the idea of Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) speaking about the "Three Body Trilogy" by Chinese sci-fi author Cixin Liu. Building bridges between cultures (and continents), although i must confess i'm not quite sure where this is going ;-) This is the sequel to my blog post: Migrating My Bank To My Genome, and What Happened On The Way

Wait. Did i just get retweeted by the one and only Sheldon Cooper?

This is genomic entertainment, by Sheldon Cooper ;-)

Big Bang Theory