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"Brain Death", Oxford University Press, mai 2011

"Brain death" est un ouvrage paru en mai 2011 chez Oxford University Press. Mon commentaire : Indispensable pour les acteurs des transplantations, puisque les critères de diagnostic de la mort encéphalique varient d'un pays à l'autre. D'autre part, la mort encéphalique équivaut à un coma dépassé ... donc pas tout à fait à la mort ... Dans ce contexte, lutter contre la pénurie d'organes à greffer engendre une information (discours public) sur le prélèvement d'organes vitaux dit "post-mortem" qui ne s'affranchit jamais totalement de la promotion du Don ... ce qui pose des problèmes de déontologie médicale, abordés dans ce livre. 

"Brain Death is a new, ambitious, and thoroughly researched work that draws heavily upon original research data but also is interspersed throughout with practical information for the practicing neurologist, neurointensivist, neurosurgeon, anesthesiologist, trauma surgeon and organ procurement organizations. The core of the text combines the science and practice of brain death determination. The author describes in the first five chapters the complex neurological evaluation and all the pitfalls. The book also discusses cultural beliefs, religious views, bioethical problems and many of the issues associated with organ procurement. Brain Death also includes a separate chapter that comprises 25 of the most commonly encountered problems in evaluating the brain dead patient and their corresponding answers, as well as a pocket card to assist with the documentation of brain death at the bedside. Brain Death is a complete treatise on the subject." (Amazon)

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