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Clooney for (president) innovation

Clooney's ultimate film, "The ides of March", remembers us when Julius Caesar got stabbed:  during the ides of March. "It is a word that was used widely in the Roman calendar indicating the approximate day that was the middle of the month" ... Here, we have, instead of Julius, two people:  Stephen Meyers, an idealistic staffer for a newbie presidential candidate (Governor Mike Morris), who gets a crash course on dirty politics during his stint on the campaign trail ... And we have a newbie presidential candidate (Morris - Clooney) who (almost) gets caught in an "affair" with a beautiful young female trainee ... Stephen the staffer blackmails the President-To-Be in order to become Morris' campaign manager - instead of getting fired because he made a mistake (who never did in the first place?) ...

Clever Clooney shows us the real face of power:  half Morris, half Meyers ...

We know Clever Clooney has never been much of a family man ... but he's a great (very young) ladies' lover (trainees' lover?) ... This would be used against President-To-Be Clooney - politically stabbed during presidential primaries, about halfway through ... unless the American society and constitution change the rules of the game  ... As Clooney puts it: the president of the United States of America can ruin the country (like Bush Junior and Senior?), he'll be safe.  But if he happens to save the country while "fucking a trainee", he cannot expect to be safe any longer ... Just a little something I'd like to point out:  Morris-Clooney is not DSK. Clooney does not need to pay for sex with young females ;-)

As the film begins, Governor Mike Morris is in a major political battle in Ohio that could be the key to winning the Democratic presidential nomination. When the opposing candidate's campaign manager (Paul Giamatti) offers Stephen a job on his staff, Stephen neglects to inform his boss (Philip Seymour Hoffman). Just as that omission is revealed, Stephen uncovers a dirty personal secret that could sink Morris' political career ... Of course the dirty personal secret is Morris' little "affair" with the trainee, a one-time-affair which leads to a pregnancy, an abortion and ... a suicide ... The (very) young lady also happened to be Stephen's (secret) girlfriend ... and when Stephen's boss gives him the sack because of a "major mistake" (the omission) that very day our young trainee got her abortion and got the sack too (Stephen had told her she could no longer work for Morris' campaign:  she was no longer a harmelss and helpful trainee; just an accident waiting to happen) ... she became panicky and took too many pills, to much alcohol ... and never woke up ...

Clever Clooney does not want to become the next (bifacial) president of the United States of America - bifacial in one way or another ... With "The ides of March", Clooney has positioned himself as a defender of innovation : sustainable development is the key word: sustainable living, jobs, health, environment ... Oil, nuclear power, war in Irak, lack of innovation ... it all belongs to the past, says Clever Clooney. Is America going to burry its head in the sand or is it going to regain supremacy in technology - through innovation, not through war to get the oil ... because thanks to innovation, no more need for oil ... hence, no terrorism, no war ...

Clever Clooney embodies the American Dream just for us, ladies ;-) 

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