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Future 2.0 ?

A Presentation by Jean-Michel Billaut, the founder of Atelier Numerique BNP Paribas and author of "French worldwide 2.0 business community" federating blog Billautshow ( Recently, Mr. Billaut and I came up with a project: a "cloud-based" Health iLab (Atelier e-santé).

Future 2.0? generations, myths, beliefs, religions, philosophies, technology and its use, added value and its distribution... by Homo Sapiens.

This presentation has been held at the Paris offices of  L'Oreal, in April 2012. It explains major shifts of paradigm happening right here and right now in medicine, business, economy, communication. Genomics and digital care combine for healthcare ... The global digital economy is getting in gear, reorganizing our entire economic system ... Open source technologies, wireless medicine, robotics ... Let's take a look at the facts ... How to survive and thrive?  Be on the lookout for information, as "the general who wins a battle is the best informed" (Sun Tzu, "The Art of War").Futur 2.0 loreal english final2
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