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Camp follower reporting live from Rueil-Malmaison: "Vive l'Empereur!"

September 15-16/2012: Weekend Party in Rueil-Malmaison with Napoléon himself, and his "Grognard" soldiers...

Now, you wouldn't want to miss out on that party (even if you couldn't make it), would you?

So here's the ultimate Napoleon Retrostalgia French Party (good old times), right here right for you, in exactly 527 pics, including booze, music (Napoleonic military music, Adèle, etc.), horses, Polish soldiers in Napoleon's army (all native speakers!), a Napoleonic "bivouac" (The Russian campaign June 24 - December 12, 1812), weapons, aaaand weapons again...

At some point I stumbled upon Napoléon (Pic #341), but he wouldn't answer my questions...

His soldiers did ... on Saturday evening in the "bivouac" (looots of booze here; for the soldiers, not for me). To make short a looong story (527 pics!), this is how I became a camp follower... The French expression for that is "Fille à soldats"...

Ladies aaaand Gents, Enjoooy...

... Napoléon Imperial Jubilee!

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