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Plier mais pas casser : la leçon de vie et d'entrepreuneuriat d'une Chinoise

Cette femme a connu le pire de la Chine, dans son enfance et sa jeunesse. Armée, travail à l'usine, coups, viol ...

Très jeune, elle est partie aux USA avec à peine de quoi s'acheter un billet d'avion, et la connaissance de trois mots d'anglais : bonjour, merci, au secours ...

Elle a participé à la mise au point du premier moteur de recherches sur l'Internet (Mosaic), est une pionnière en matière d'imprimantes 3D ... et conseille les startups les plus "glamour" aux USA - et même Obama !

Lisez son livre en anglais, "Bend Not Break", comme le roseau qui ploie mais ne casse pas, c'est passionnant ... 
"Bend, Not Break, by Ping Fu - exclusive excerpt": the "Personal Factory" concept:
 3D Printing, by a Chinese engineer:

"Born on the eve of China’s Cultural Revolution, Ping was separated from her family at the age of eight. She grew up fighting hunger and humiliation and shielding her younger sister from the teenagers in Mao’s Red Guard. At twenty-five, she found her way to the United States; her only resources were $80 in traveler’s checks and three phrases of English: thank you, hello, and help.

Yet Ping persevered, and the hard-won lessons of her childhood guided her to success in her new home­land.

Aided by her well-honed survival instincts, a few good friends, and the kindness of strangers, she grew into someone she never thought she’d be—a strong, independent, entrepreneurial leader.

A love of problem solving led her to computer science, and Ping became part of the team that created NCSA Mosaic, which became Netscape, the Web browser that forever changed how we access information.

She then started a company, Geomagic, that has literally reshaped the world, with 3D Printing."

==> "Bend, Not Break".

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