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Global gender gap index (man-woman parity)

Aie... Encore un classement où la France n'est pas très bonne : 57ème en matière d'égalité des sexes, loin derrière le Nicaragua, l'Afrique du sud, le Mozambique, le Kazakhstan, l'Equateur, le Malawi, la Namibie, la Mongolie, entre autres pays où l'on vit probablement moins bien qu'ici, mais moins discriminée ...


1 commentaire:

  1. The World Economic Forum ranked India 105 on the Gender Gap Index in 2012, up from the year before, but below its 2006 ranking, and far below countries like Ghana and Bangladesh. It scored highest on political empowerment and lowest in women's health and survival.

    There is "great resilience in the basic features of gender inequality in India," says well-known development economist Jean Dreze, "in contrast with many other countries – including Bangladesh – where there are significant signs of social change."

    The challenges faced by Indian women reflect broader contradictions: Two decades of economic growth and globalization have brought improved opportunities but also greater inequality. That paradox was captured in a July survey that ranked India as the worst place to be a woman among the Group of 20 countries that make up the world's biggest economies, based on parameters like health services, threat of violence, and property rights.
