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La "Tablet", nouvelle assistante des médecins et chirurgiens en consultation ...
Les médecins ayant une tablet réalisent un gain de productivité de plus d'une heure par jour ... Des chirurgiens utilisent une tablet durant leur consultation pour expliquer une procédure à leur patient ... Mais c'est aux USA ... Notre rythme de pulsation cardiaque consultable sur notre iPhone (voir) : simple gadget santé (fitness gadget) ? Ledit gadget est présenté au Consumer Electronic Show 2013 qui débute ... aujourd'hui à Las Vegas ... "Vous reconnaîtrez au moins deux sociétés françaises ... Trois autres interviendront ce jour en fin de journée sur le stream du Billautshow ..." (JM Billaut). 

"Harish Gagneja, MD, a gastroenterologist in Austin, Texas, said the time he spends with his patients in the exam room hasn’t changed much since he started using a tablet. But he’s able to accomplish more in that time as a result of his tablet use.
Before the tablet, Dr. Gagneja found himself regularly leaving the exam room to access drug resources, check formularies and call insurers. All of that is now done at the patient’s side using apps to check drugs, or apps that allow him to share anatomical drawings with patients to explain procedures. By eliminating the time spent tracking down information, Dr. Gagneja said he is able to spend more face time with patients, making the exam time more of an interactive experience for them.
Dr. Gagneja is one of the nearly two out of every three physicians using a tablet computer in clinical practice. A recent survey hints at why so many doctors have adopted the technology."  

Source: Physicians tell how much time tablets save them

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