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Stop the France bashing! Arrêtons de critiquer la France !

 ==> Audio version.

Arrêtons le "France bashing" : La France a un des marchés du travail les plus flexibles (grâce aux ruptures simplifiées de contrat) ... Un niveau de chômage remarquablement bas (pour notre PIB catastrophique) ... De bonnes politiques de l'emploi (en comparaisons des préretraites calamiteuses) ... Une désindustrialisation relative (bien qu'avérée, mais quand-même moins grave que le risque éventuel que court l'Allemagne à voir la sienne stagner un jour, si vraiment les choses tournent mal pour elle) ... et qui attire bien plus de Belges (cherchant du travail, je n'ai rien contre eux, ça doit être très dur chez eux pour qu'ils veuillent venir chez nous) que la Belgique n'attire de Français (cherchant à échapper à l'ISF) ... Un CNRS qui n'a jamais recruté autant d'étrangers (sous-payés et corvéables à merci, même les jeunes Français ne veulent plus y aller) ... Bref, une France solide (par rapport à ceux qui vont vraiment mal), aux réels espoirs de s'en sortir (si les autres pays Européens font tous un maximum d'efforts, sous-entendu : pour que la France puisse en faire le moins possible ...)

Oui, arrêtons le "France bashing" ! "Tant que, moi, je marche pas dans la m..., tout va bien ... Ce qui arrive aux autres ...", pense chaque Français en son for intérieur ...


"A Year in the Merde": Plot summary

"When Paul West starts his new job in September he is altogether unaware of the true character and the machinations of his boss, Jean-Marie Martin, who is in his early fifties, rich, handsome, impeccably dressed, friendly, and prepared to pay him a good salary. West does not know yet that Martin, officially decorated for supporting the French economy, is illegally importing cheap British beef (the ban imposed during the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or BSE crisis not having been lifted yet); that through his political connections he has secured for his daughter Élodie a cheap, council-subsidized HLM apartment; that he associates with the far right; that, although married, he is having an affair with someone from the office; and that he wants to sell him, Paul West, a cottage in the country quite close to the site of a future nuclear power plant.
West is allotted a motley crew who are supposed to work together on his project. However, everyone, including Martin, turns out to be very reluctant to learn what West has to tell them, for example that 'My Tea Is Rich' is not a good name for a chain of English tea rooms, neither is 'VD' for English meat labelling (French 'Viande' ; English 'venereal disease'). Soon West realizes that no one is following his orders, that nothing is happening, that he is being paid for doing, or at least achieving, absolutely nothing. In the end, his contract is prematurely terminated, and he spends some weeks teaching English. ('It was much tougher than working in an office. You can't e-mail your mates while standing in front of a class.')
His love life during that year is an emotional rollercoaster ride. In all, West has sex with four different women during that year: Élodie, his boss's daughter; Alexa, who eventually cannot put up with his apolitical outlook on life; Marie, a black girl who willingly drops him when her boyfriend returns from abroad; and Florence, half Indian, the girl with whom he plans to open his own tea room in Paris at the end of the novel." (Wikipedia).

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