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Dance and the City
Dance and the City, sounds as exciting as "Sex and the City", doesn't it? When I started this blog on "Ethics" some 7 years ago, I only came across sad and dull people, boring and repetitive stuff... and arrogant "specialists" (physicians) and wimpy academics who wanted me to study for some sad, dull, boring and repetitive master... Help!!! So I started this blog, 'cause to me "ethics" is all about people talking live and cash about their experience, and controversy and creativity... I started exploring ethics not only in medicine and health, but also in Google, Apple, Amazon, 3D bioprinting, politics, 2.0 (social network), startups, Big Pharma, Big Biotech Pharma, Digital Rights Management (DRM), popular TV shows and musicals, worldwide literature... and soon found out that the fun was in mixing and matching everything... How come? Well I guess it has to do with some kind of story about innovation and creativity... about Emperors and Barbarians... "Ethics" should make your heart sing, like the film "Avatar" for instance... No strident (boring and dull and repetitive) storyline... Well, this is my little discovery on this planet, and I hope you enjoy it...

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