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Décollage en grand du 3D printing ... et arrivée d'Amazon ? ...

Pour le décollage en grand du 3D Printing ... il manquait un scanner 3D ... C'est fait ... Maintenant on va pouvoir copier des objets à tout va ... Bon c'est le début du scanning 3D ... Après les biens culturels ... ce sont les objets qui vont être "piratés" à terme ... Toute l'industrie ? Et toute la distribution de ces objets ? Il est probable que l'on va bientôt voir arriver Amazon dans ce domaine ...
 MakerBot honcho kicks off SXSW 2013
Pic: MakerBot CEO Bre Pettis introduces his company's new Digitizer printer, which uses a laser scanner to grab a 3D rendering of an object to be replicated and printed.(Credit: James Martin/CNET)

The frontman of MakerBot, the popular, sometimes-controversial 3D printing company, makes sure that the first official day of South by Southwest, the megamedia, music, and technology show, hits the ground running.
AUSTIN, Texas--"What's next for 3D printing? MakerBot founder and CEO Bre Pettis answered that question in all-capital letters during his opening keynote speech here at South by Southwest 2013.
'LASERS,' read a slide with factoid about his company's latest 3D printer, the MakerBot Digitizer.
'It's kind of like Tron,' Pettis explained, as a prototype of the new printer fired its laser scanners at a garden gnome.
Introduced by South by Southwest Interactive director Hugh Forrest as the 'hero of South by,' Pettis started this year's conference with a brief history of his company and what people have done with its printers.
As devout MakerBot and Pettis fans probably know, he started off fixing bicycles as a kid, and went on as a young adult to found NYC Resistor, a hacker collective that offered its members tools, 'so we could make anything,' Pettis said. That led to the invention of the MakerBot printer, a single tool Pettis and his cohorts created which could make anything.
He also noted that 3D printing used to be financially inaccessible to most people, as 3D printers were the size of computer mainframes and cost $100,000. MakerBot's current line of printers are far more cost-effective, in the $2,000 range." (Source)

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