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James Bond goes 2.0: Agent 007 will teach YOU about Genomics

Mind blowing indeed! James Bond goes 2.0 and as a result, Agent 007 is teaching us about genomics... for free, open to all! Thank you Billaut San...

Welcome to 7.00x, "Thee" Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Genomics, FREE AND OPEN TO ALL!

edX is a Mooc that was created by Harvard and the MIT. Want to know how this works? Then how about following the e-footsteps of Eric Lander PhD, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project - I can't wait for him to get a Nobel Prize for that...

No fees, no selection... But you'll have to put your back into it: this MOOC is an online seminar that will require from you an 8-hour-work per week for 3 months...

Find out more and register here!


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