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"Cardiac Arrest Is Not True Death"


"Cardiac death, also called clinical death, is not true death. Here's why":


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"The Lazarus Effect: The Science That is Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death", by Sam Parnia, MD.

==> Buy that book on Amazon.

Book review on Amazon: "I bought the book after reading an article in a journal on Dr Parnia's work. I therefore had a fair idea of what to expect. The science of resuscitation seems to have made significant advances in the last decade, but what I found disturbing is that those advances are not uniformly available even within the same hospital emergency unit because of significant variances between the training and motivation of the staff on duty at any particular time.

I also find it disturbing that the blurring of the divide between life and death has not been accompanied by a recognition that harvesting organs from a body just because the heart has ceased to beat and the pupils are dilated might well amount to causing unlawful death in some instances. Doctors motivated by the health of a transplant patient may be circumspect about disclosing the full potential of recent advances in the science of resuscitation to the loved ones of a prospective donor. These were not matters directly canvassed by Dr Parnia, although he does acknowledge the variances of health care within the same hospital.

I was a bit disappointed at his work on near death experiences. While he outlines efforts to explore the phenomenon, those efforts appear to have been inconclusive to date. Perhaps this is fertile ground for a sequel, but any research that definitively addresses this question will no doubt become public knowledge well in advance of any book as that kind of research will be of interest to all.

A good book should prompt thought on the part of the reader. Dr Parnia has most certainly done that. But he has also provided an interesting and illuminating read about a topic that we will all need to address at some time in our lives, if only at the very end -whenever and whatever that is."(Source).

1 commentaire:

  1. Très intéressant topo, à mon avis. Quelques questions qui restent à voir néanmoins. Le Dr Parnia dit qu'il peut supprimer les conséquences de l’arrêt cardiaque mais ça ne dit pas concrètement (étude de cas):
    1) comment il répare la cause de l’arrêt cardiaque (ben ça risque de recommencer sinon)
    2) comment ils peuvent savoir que le cerveau n'a pas été endommagé (dommages réversibles : cette notion doit être bien expliquée et documentée, car elle va à l'inverse de ce qui est rabâché depuis les années 70 !)

    Je suppose que c'est parce que le toubib en question est spécialiste en réa et que donc il ne parle que pour sa partie technique... son tronçon ... Mais cela manque de transversal ou de vue d'ensemble et ressemble donc (pour peu que je me fasse l'avocat du diable) à une petite querelle de spécialistes qui ne casse pas 3 pattes a un canard...
