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"Big Eyes": the next Tim Burton Movie Will Teach Hollywood A Lesson

Margaret Keane
"Have you ever seen those eerie paintings of children with enormous, sad eyes? They're often collected by people with a taste for kitsch and/or creeping out their guests. Ever wondered about the artist behind them? It's Margaret Keane, and soon you'll know everything you ever wanted to know her and her husband Walter thanks to a new Tim Burton movie in development, appropriately titled "Big Eyes."

Burton is directing a script by screenwriting duo Larry Karaszewski and Scott Alexander, who worked with Burton on his wonderful 'Ed Wood.' Their other projects run the gamut from the Andy Kaufman biopic 'Man on the Moon' to 'The People vs. Larry Flynt' to ... 'Agent Cody Banks.' 'Big Eyes' is all about the aftermath of Walter and Margaret's divorce and eventual lawsuit over who was the real painter behind the incredibly successful works." (source).

Burton's plain and simple answer to the copyright infringement madness that is currently raging in the US in general (and in Hollywood in particular) is: you've got the talent, you've got the copyright. You don't have the talent, you don't own anything ... I guess technological genius Aaron Swartz would have enjoyed that (upcoming) Burton movie... 

1 commentaire:

  1. Jean-Michel Billaut, au sujet de l'article :

    "il y a une grande bagarre qui démarre aux us entre disons Hollywood et ses majors 1.0 , et les 2.0 comme google Amazon et autres.. le Studio d'amazon vise à favoriser la création en mode crowd de programmes vidéo et autres.. qu'amazon va ensuite diffuser sur sa propre plateforme.. Un peu comme il le fait avec CreateSpace pour le texte.. "
