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Did Schumpotter Use His Magic Wand On Medicine?
"Schumpeter was an Austrian-American economist and political scientist. He briefly served as Finance Minister of Austria in 1919. One of the most influential economists of the 20th century, Schumpeter popularized the term 'creative destruction' in economics." With his book "The Creative Destruction of Medicine - How the Digital Revolution Will Create Better Health Care"
(published in 2012), Eric Topol MD popularized the term "creative destruction" in medicine...

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  1. If you liked this pic, take a look at the FB fan page "Homo Possessus: do I own my own body - and genes and organs?"

    Si vous appréciez cette image, n'hésitez pas à aller faire un tour sur la fan page "Homo Possessus" : à qui appartient le corps humain ?

  2. If you liked this pic, take a look at the FB fan page "Homo Possessus: do I own my own body - and genes and organs?"
