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This Is What 'Instagram for Doctors' Looks Like

Envisioning a new way for doctors to learn from one another...

A Toronto-based intensive care physician by trade, Landy is the co-founder of Figure 1, a "crowdsourced photo sharing app for health care professionals.

"... a 'crowdsourced photo sharing app for health care professionals.' Launched just two weeks ago, the iPhone app is already populated with images both clinically significant and arguably beautiful -- without even the benefit of a filter. (...)
Once uploaded to the app, the images become public content (stringent privacy guidelines ensure that any potential patient identifiers are edited out). Landy envisions a sort of Wikipedia of medical images, 'a curated free-access almanac of features of medicine' that anyone can contribute to, edit, or learn from. While the company isn't disclosing any numbers yet, Landy said usership is already 'well into the thousands.'" (Source).

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