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"Au 21ème siècle, on hacke la biologie..." Thomas Landrain, TEDxParis

"Comprendre, modifier et exploiter des processus biologiques"

Biology without borders : Thomas Landrain at TEDxParisUniversités

Les valeurs véhiculées : il s'agit de démocratiser la biologie et les sciences ...

2 commentaires:

  1. "Thomas is the co-founder and president of the nonprofit organization "La Paillasse" in Paris, one of the world's largest community laboratories, commonly called hackerspaces, that foster open biotechnology. He is an active member of the Do-it-yourself Biology (DIYbio) community, organizing the launch of the DIYbio Europe network and working regularly as one of its spokespersons. He is currently pursuing his PhD studies in Synthetic Biology at iSSB, a CNRS-Genopole research institution. Convinced that the 21st century will be the century of biotechnologies, he is now focusing on making biology more accessible to use as a technology for citizens and amateurs."

  2. Des boîtes de pétri qui vont réécrire l'histoire de l'imprimerie... Du 3D bioprinting... Cela se passe dans l'un des plus grands "fab lab" en open source, "La Paillasse", à Paris...

    Fascinant, excellente présentation !
