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"Homo Possessus" Mindmap #Ghost

I've always been interested in ghosts... in their anatomy ... you don't get to see a ghost for no reason, do you?

Ghosts are everywhere... churches... can you imagine anywhere else?...

Ever wondered if a romance between a living human and a ghost was possible? And if so, don't you think it's a challenging kind of love? Imagine a beautiful ghost comes for you... I mean, that boy girl dating... Now imagine this ghost is a beautiful young female.... Yes, I said: beautiful...

But she looks sooo unhappy... 

Now you feel compelled to ask - or let's just say curiosity impels you to ask, but this is clearly understating that frightened you, standing in front of a ghost having her mood all over the place: "Oh my God what happened???"

And then you don't really know if this has happened in the past or is about to happen now...

So you're just standing around, baffled...  It occurs to you that the ghost too may be baffled... probably by the idea that a living human can see her... And then, one thing leading to another, you start thinking about what you could do to make that ghost a little bit happier... which, from an outside perspective, might look like this:

But before you go all the way inside of this gorgeous ghost girl, please do keep one thing in mind: the worst of having a romance with a ghost is that it will leave you so utterly unromantic reflexions about some of the living... some of the living you know or that you thought you knew...

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