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Presenting Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine

The field of digital (mobile) Health (mHealth) is experiencing significant growth.  With this growth, we are witnessing some truly unique and novel solutions to healthcare issues, from iPhone based anaesthetic monitors to "smart slippers". Google Goggles are another new product which is likely to be utilized in healthcare, and it will be interesting to see where innovative minds will take such a technology.

Whilst these novel developments amongst mobile technology show great promise, it is of utmost importance that the rigors of evidence based medicine are applied. Without a strong evidence base to support a product or application, one needs to be cautious about its use. New pharmaceutical products undergo demanding testing, and their efficacy needs to be proved through appropriate studies.  Similarly, new mobile technologies should also be tested through the scientific process, and their value needs to be carefully documented.

The Journal of Mobile Technology in Medicine ( is an international peer reviewed medical journal which focuses on publishing mHealth related research. The journal is published on an open-access basis, and so all articles are available in full text free of charge. If you are interested in submitting an article for review visit our Submissions page (, or email us (

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