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Hacking Growth

Digital Spring, "Global Civil War" and Growth Hacking. Can you tell the difference?

On hacking computers, biology and... growth.

Computer hackers are hacking webcams, Facebook and e-mail and bank accounts, government data, etc. Bio hackers are hacking biology (DIY bio), tinkering with DNA, etc.
Now, how about growth hackers? "Products like Facebook, Twitter, AirBnb, StumbleUpon, Zynga, Dropbox, Reddit and LinkedIn were built without traditional advertising, brand partnerships or celebrity endorsements — in less than a decade. And the people who did it blew off traditional marketing for a new set of strategies that felt more like engineering and product development than a Don Draper strategy. But it worked. Their success has inspired and informed another batch of startups with equally stunning prospects: Evernote, Everlane, KISSMetrics, Qualaroo, Soma and countless other companies incubated off the radar, ready to explode based on the same strategies. The marketers behind these brands don’t see themselves as such, though. They are 'growth hackers.'"

==> The 5 Phases of Growth Hacking

Not sure, however, if "hacking growth" necessarily means "The First Global Civil War"... #globalcivilwar...

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