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Eric Topol MD: "Digitizing life:hardware=proteins|cells; software=DNA"

J. Craig Venter: "gene patents are not a question of ethics but unaltered natural genes should not be patentable."
  • Thomas Goetz
    co-founder at iodine
    I'm interviewing Craig this Friday in Berkeley. What questions should I ask?

  • Innovation Geek, Marketing Assistant & Writer
    Well I'm curious about India... Seeing wonderful stuff there: they're printing good quality and cheap medicine out of 3D printers (!!), plus word is spreading that sequencing one's genome will soon be cheaper than car parking... Very curious about price of DNA sequencing in the US (23 and me and co.) and about these DIY bio garages booming worldwide... Are biohackers gonna disrupt big pharma? Will we use our DNA structure as signature (bank)?, like so: But I must confess I just started reading "Life at the speed of light", so... not sure about which questions I'd like to ask at this stage, sorry...
    Linked In, Digital Health group, Discussions about "Life at the Speed of Light: From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life" - J. Craig Venter

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