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23andMe, the FDA and The Big Bang Theory

"23andMe: Here's how I got diagnosed with some terminal illness but was able to debug this diagnosis and got my health back"

23andMe case: should medical information (data) be kept by specialists or is it up to the patient to learn how to decode his own data/information? MOOCs in genomics will give the tools to patients if they want to do their own (genomic) risk management, instead of trusting blindly -- which can be the biggest risk of all...

Remember it took 24 years to the FDA to approve HIV tests outside of hospital. How many avoidable and unnecessary HIV infections during those 24 years?

Intéressant cas avec 23andMe : Faut-il réserver l'information médicale aux spécialistes ou le patient doit-il apprendre à la décoder lui même ?
Traduction en anglais :

Une autre histoire à mettre en balance : la FDA a mis 24 ans pour approuver les tests HIV en dehors du circuit hospitalier ; combien de contaminations supplémentaires cela a causé ?

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