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Assessing the risks of Synthetic Biology in Europe

A variation around Craig Venter's "My greatest fear is us not using the technology" in his book "Life At The Speed Of Light".

Catherine Coste, Blog: "Ethics, Health and Death 2.0", certificate in genomics (MIT). I'm a genomic geek with strong social media skills.

When some French modern renaissance woman with medium sized intelligence is trying to come to terms with traditional medicine and some "organ-specialist" surgeons in the era of digital biology and precision "genomic" medicine... Wanting to talk about the Hippocratic Oath, she is raving about some hypocritical oak instead... She also talks about "twinkering" with her own genome -- "everybody stands back, I'm doing sciences!"

Also, she speaks about some "23 or me" company. Did you know that in France, it is forbidden by law that any French citizen asks -- on his or her own initiative -- for his or her own genome to be sequenced? It is punished by prison and a fine (cf. recent French bioethics laws)... French citizens are cut from their own genome. Hence, California-based 23andMe company becomes "23orMe". Exception culturelle française.

The EU scientific committee is currently assessing the risks of Synthetic Biology. Interesting experience for both technical and non-technical reasons. People might have developed some perspective on the subject and public perceptions via their own experience. Have such questions ever gotten into that in any kind of depth? Particularly the public sentiments? This is the kind of stuff this talk show is dealing with...

"Assessing the risks of Synthetic Biology in Europe from Cath Coste on Vimeo.

Presence of the Illumina "super-duper sequencing machines" worldwide:

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