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"99 percent of people don't have an inkling on how fast this revolution is coming"

Aubrey de Grey: "Ending Aging" (book). Biogerontologist. "Free radicals may damage mitochondrial DNA causing potentially harmful mutations. Fix: insert backup copies of mitochondrial DNA into cell nucleus. Muations of the DNA in the cell nucleus contribute to cancer. Fix: delete the genes that let mutant cells divide forever,so that they die before killing us. Lysomal junk: waste builds up inside cells. as we age. Fix: use genes from soil microbes to break down those chemicals. Extracellular junk: waste builds up between cells. Fix: Stimulate the immune system to move the junk into the cell where it can be broken down. Sugar-protein molecular bonds: sugar & protein molecules bond, creating hardened layers of tissue. Fix: develop chemical compounds to break the unwanted bonds." --  "Fast 4ward", Chicago Museum of sciences and industry, Aubrey de Grey, "Ending Aging" (book), biogerontologist.

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