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Doing MIT MOOC course on Quantitative Biology

This is my current assignment... To hear from this MOOC course, follow #7QBWx on Twitter!

Did you know that over 70% of American citizens just ignore this fantastic opportunity to move up -- doing a MOOC course online, where you can earn a verified ID certificate from prestigious universities like Harvard, MIT etc? For example, MITx MOOC verified ID certificates can be earned for free on MOOC platform edX! MOOCs are NOT the norm in the US. So, I was just wondering: how long will the US need to adapt to this new "norm"? My guess here: longer than Asia and India. Meanwhile, students from emerging countries are clawing their way up... earning one MIT or Harvard MOOC certificate at a time, piling them up, moving up... I'm doing this MOOC course based from UK, the US and Europe...


Photos taken at the Museum of Sciences and Industry of Chicago, IL, a few days ago ("Genomics" and "Fast Forward").

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