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Highly interested in precision "genomic" medicine, in mHealth and patient engagement. MOOC & book worm. Earned myself two MITx edX certificates: genomics and python (quantitative medicine).

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The one thing you need to know about me: passionate about science and society, working on a writing project: genomic entertainment. From the Broad Institute to Broadway? I'm talking about the human genome project here -- so YES: I'm talking about YOUR own genome...

I did a post-graduate teacher training at La Sorbonne university, Paris, taught German language and literature in middle and high school for over a decade and earned myself two MITx EdX digital diplomas (certificates) in genomics and quantitative biology: 7000x and 7.QBWx. Currently a MOOC student: "Explore Statistics With R" (edX). One last thing: I am a writer.

My message to Regina Holliday -- The Walking Gallery Of Patients (sent 08/18/2014):

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