Informations sur ce blog - Mes favoris

Welcome. My husband's the Grinning Cat, and my sister in law the Mad Hatter

Disneyland Paris, Oct. 2014

Special thanks to Florence, "La Boit'à Floh", for the cool hat! She's the one and only true Mad Hatter, I'm just pretending ...


I'm a literature geek. My pseudo is LiteraGeek. I'm a MOOC- & bookworm. Seeking complementarity, I love working with computer programming geeks. Interested in musicals and genomics. Working on merging both -> genomic entertainment.


French citizens cannot get their own genome sequenced: it is forbidden by law

"The Patient Will See You Now"

"Decoding a Genomic Revolution"

The Millennial Rebuttal

"Nos Etoiles Malheureuses"

"Davids & Goliath"

"Genomics becomes Pop"

We are a software (our DNA) making its own hardware (proteins, cells). Technologic.

"'Buy It?!?' Wait. You guys wanna patent genes? But we cannot invent around living material... A gene is not a molecule, for some kind of drug. Plus, Vanessa, we are just getting started with that cool gene editing tool, CRISPR Castor... Writing or rewriting genes is not as easy as you think it is... I mean, it's more difficult to write genes than to read them... You should be careful with that gene writing thing, that CRISPR the platypus..."
"- It's not Vanessa; it's Ferbnessa, dad. It's not a platypus, it's a castor. Now, can you leave us alone? ... Dad? Dad??! Are you... errrr... 'dancing'? Sigh. OK, Ferb. One more time, *without* my dad..."

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in "The Walking Gallery of Healthcare"

Exponential Medicine: The Future of Medicine (San Diego CA, Nov. 9-12)

What Is Genomic Entertainment?

At the American Society of Human Genomics Congress 2014

From the Internet to the InnerNet:

Chromosomal walking; not schlepping, in Gangnam style -- with Eric Lander PhD, MIT & Broad Institute, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project:

I love this video: genomic entertainment = linguistics + genomics; Noam Chomsky + Eric Lander. I've studied with both: Noam Chomsky at La Sorbonne & Paris X Nanterre, France (a long time ago) and Eric Lander, 2013-2014, MITx EdX genomics and quantitative biology workshop.

MIT in Gangnam style