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We are a software (our DNA) making its own hardware (proteins, cells). Technologic.

"'Buy It?!?' Wait. You guys wanna patent genes? But we cannot invent around living material... A gene is not a molecule, for some kind of drug. Plus, Vanessa, we are just getting started with that cool gene editing tool, CRISPR Castor... Writing or rewriting genes is not as easy as you think it is... I mean, it's more difficult to write genes than to read them... You should be careful with that gene writing thing, that CRISPR the platypus..."
"- It's not Vanessa; it's Ferbnessa, dad. It's not a platypus, it's a castor. Now, can you leave us alone? ... Dad? Dad??! Are you... errrr... 'dancing'? Sigh. OK, Ferb. One more time, *without* my dad..."

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