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Cell Haiku

#cellhaiku by Catherine Coste, inspired by Nina Tandon.
I am an IT & Cell Architect
Circuitry of human cells
Analog to
Digital technology.

I am a maker 
With a biocomputer. 
Chip on your shoulder?
Put it in a cell. Human on chip.

Yesterday I grew
Snippets of code
From my RNA.
When I grow old
Snippets of organs
Will grow
From my DNA.

« I want you to engineer a molecule. »
My body cells
Coding in

Love as
A mechemical
Snippets of bugs, 
Code on fire, hug & mug:
Snug bucket list
Of chemicals
Scripting in Java
C++ Signature Claws
Of Schrödinger’s cat
Speaking snake language
Phishing lies
Fishing apples.

The sun 
Will learn 
From my 

Replicating in
The Social Network.

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