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Post-mortem organ donation won't help you before you die, but the science of cryonics might

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A brain dead patient can "donate" his organs, but this prospect might not help him deal with his end-of-life issues (ever heard of "Ikigami"?)... When you are brain dead, you cannot consent to organ donation (informed consent and brain death don't agree). If you decide to donate your organs upon your death, you make this decision while you are alive and conscious. "In the unlikely event of ..." That's what the air hostesses say, right?
Dying in piece(s) or dying in peace?

This is the story of Kim. She suffered from glioblastoma, an incurable brain tumor. Glioblastoma is just another word for "Ikigami". She died at the age of 23, but before that, she had been looking for something that would help her die in peace at such a young age. She decided that this thing would be: freezing her brain.
This cryonic project was probably what helped Kim best before her death from brain cancer.

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