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The Eternal Jewdi

 (by Catherine Coste)

I am the Eternal Jew
Wandering in Doctors’ Death Valley
Waiting rooms in hospitals
Waiting to see my local Doctor
I am Ahasver 
I know Wounded Valley
Like the palm of my soul.

Keep looking for the disease
Do not treat the pain
As it is the pain that will lead to the disease
Find the disease first,
Then take care of the pain.

I am the Eternal Jew
Of Chronic Pain
Bouncing and drifting
Silently pacing
From exam to exam
Useless, expensive
Pacing and waiting
I am the Eternal Jew
I chose Death over
Careless love

Death ridiculed me:
“Don’t look askance.
Find the pathway
Of your chronic pain
Or disease,
You can.

Death Valley is
Not in your genes.
Find the mutation
Crack the code
Fix it.

Do it,
You must.
You are not.
The Eternal
You are.”


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