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Jesus CRISPR Super Star

Scientists from Australia & UK have created a “biosensor mouse” that predicts spread of pancreatic cancer cells
If dying Steve Jobs
And Andrew Lloyd Webber
Wrote a Musicome
"Aren't you tired of all those
It would tell the story
Of that cool genome
editing tool:
Who is this Jesus CRISPr?
The superstar
Helping parents
With a sick son
Get a Nobel Prize.

"Cracking the Code"
"Fixing the Code"
All done by parents:
The Mission Massimo team.

Nobody else seems
to be in charge.
Not even doctors
Not even scientists
Not even academia
Not even big pharma.

Many thought
Mission Massimo was crazy.
But at M.I.T.
I was told that
"Crazy" could earn you a Nobel Prize
Even if you have no PhD
But end up
Changing medicine.

Jesus CRISPr and Mission Massimo
Did some disease modeling on a mouse
Then they built a platform
To cure thousands of people.

Three decades later
Old Mission Massimo
Steals the show.
Jesus CRISPr Superstar
Sharing a Nobel Prize
With the crazy people.

 Patients Just Care About A Cure

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