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My Medical Thriller, Airpocalypse, Will Be Out This Fall!

In Beijing, 2010
I wrote a med thriller to put my experience into fiction: how I got somebody out of prison in China. will be out this fall, French version.

"Forget Excel spreadsheets and thumb drives. World's data can be stored in 1 kg of DNA. My secretary can read data in DNA."

"I performed the first beating heart coronary artery bypass graft worldwide. Journalists wrote I'm the of cardiac surgery."

Me, Beijing, Dec. 2015
After "Fear and Trembling" in Japan, "Airpocalypse" in China

Own Your Data, Or Be Owned

One app to rule them all. In my upcoming med thriller : writer Jian Ping connecting the dots in Beijing.

"Medical establishment, moaning that the country's going to the dogs, sees itself as 's Bones." Lenoir, in thriller

Hype? Hope? Read about the tribulations of a French surgeon in in my upcoming medical thriller,
Surgeon shown on this pic: Atul Gawande. He is a wonderful writer, and also probably an equally gifted surgeon. I love his TED talks and his books (read all of them).

In my upcoming medical , , Mia is Lenoir's assistant. Sometimes she is lost in wonderland ;-)

Think you know what an organ transplant surgeon does? Think twice. In my upcoming medical , ...

In my upcoming med thriller Jian Ping is a writer / a maker.

Surgscope or Google? Lenoir, a French cardiac surgeon, is pondering things in his heart. Med

In upcoming med , Lenoir, a surgeon, is reflecting on anti-rejection drugs

Trying to reboot medicine? In my upcoming med thriller Airpocalypse, out this fall, FR version:

In my upcoming med thriller , "science is the only news" (Stewart Brand)

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