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Painting Genes

Genomic Entertainment Project (cont'd)

Painting Genes / Cézanne Peint, a song by France Gall

Paul Cézanne, autoportrait


Of course, French painter Cézanne is… US scientist George Church...

French singer France Gall
French scientist (biologist) Emmanuelle Charpentier
... and France Gall is… Emmanuelle Charpentier ;-) 

Painting Genes

Performing: Emmanuelle Charpentier as France Gall, as Emmanuelle is a French native speaker. So she knows the song, right?

Painting Genes - Lyrics by Catherine Coste, but everyone is welcome to try to sing along...

The beating heart of
DNA in a smile
On Mona Lisa’s lips.
Heredity writing,
Editing her genome.
Mona going global,
Digitize DNA
At the speed of light and
Love in her art.

Oxygen produced by
Plants and bacteria
All regulated by
The Louvre in Paris inside each of us and oh
Around us. Mona’s museum in Paris will
Become an art and gene
Editing tool. She’s still
Smiling. Did she find...

... The art and science
Of impossibly
Complex DNA,
That are being forked
And modified all 
Around us, living
Things, zeros and ones,
Four chemicals,
All seeing past my skin
Right into my soul,
Making mistakes when
DNA. Do you call cancer cells science or
Painting genes?
The Cézanne of CRISPR, cool gene editing tool,
His flowing beard smiling,
Painting genes with the brush
Strokes of da Vinci.
The canvas’ soul
Is Python.

Painting genes…

Painting Genes

Silence les grillons 5
The beating heart of
Sur les branches immobiles 6
DNA in a smile
Les arbres font des rayons 6
On Mona Lisa’s lips.
Et des ombres subtiles 6
Heredity writing,
Silence dans la maison 6
Editing her genome.
Silence sur la colline 6
Mona going global,
Ces parfums qu'on devine 6
Digitize DNA
C'est l'odeur de saison 6
At the speed of light and
Mais voilà l'homme 4
Love in her art.
Sous son chapeau de paille 6
Oxygen produced by
Des taches plein sa blouse 5
Plants and bacteria
Et sa barbe en bataille 6
All regulated by
Cézanne peint 3
Il laisse s'accomplir la magie de ses mains 12
The Louvre in Paris inside each of us and oh
Cézanne peint 3
Et il éclaire le monde pour nos yeux qui n'voient rien 12
Around us. Mona’s museum in Paris will
Si le bonheur existe 6
Become an art and gene
C'est une épreuve d'artiste 6
Editing tool. She’s still
Cézanne le sait bien 5
Smiling. Did she find...

Vibre la lumière 5
... The art and science
Chantez les couleurs 5
Of impossibly
Il y met sa vie 5
Complex DNA,
Le bruit de son cœur 5
Et comme un bateau 5
That are being forked
Porté par sa voile 5
And modified all 
Doucement le pinceau 5
Around us, living
Glisse sur la toile 5
Things, zeros and ones,
Et voilà l'homme 4
Four chemicals,
Qui croise avec ses yeux 6
All seeing past my skin
Le temps d'un éclair 5
Right into my soul,
Le regard des dieux 5
Making mistakes when
Cézanne peint 3
Il laisse s'accomplir le prodige de ses mains 12
DNA. Do you call cancer cells science or
Cézanne peint 3
Painting genes?
Et il éclaire le monde pour nos yeux qui n'voient rien 12
The Cézanne of CRISPR, cool gene editing tool,
Si le bonheur existe 6
His flowing beard smiling,
C'est une épreuve d'artiste 6
Painting genes with the brush
Cézanne le sait bien 5
Strokes of da Vinci.
Quand Cézanne peint 4
The canvas’ soul
Cézanne peint... 3
Is Python.

Painting genes…

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