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Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller

From Red Khmers to Green Khmers? Will ecological utopia take over the communist utopia in China? Airpocalypse, my techno-medical thriller, will be out this summer (French version)

After physician assistant Mia's change of heart in Paris (her boss is harvesting hearts from Chinese prisoners), she will be the heart of change in Beijing, where scientists are reengineering the genome of humans to treat diseases, and algae's DNA to treat pollution.  Algae biofuels could be the low-emission fuel of the future. CRISPR, that cool genome editing tool, can also re-write geopolitics. Biology and I.T. have merged, but what will save Mia’s life in Xinjiang, a Muslim Chinese province? Yin, or Yang, or their reunion? Cutting or restriction enzymes in a democrature (mix of democracy and dictatorship) like China are not only cutting through DNA molecules. Lenoir, Mia’s ex-boss, is also in Beijing. After his bloody harvest in China, he will need to use CRISPR as a minimally invasive surgical tool to save the life of his ex-assistant. Maybe the perfect Yin Yang is when the irony of death is meeting with the irony of life?

Follow me on twitter: @cathcoste

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