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I'm The Real Girl Behind @cathcoste On Twitter

For those who would like to know who i am (what i do) and what motivates me, i wrote this little article on my antiquated blog:
First of all, i only take selfies when trying to wake-up (this is yesterday's selfie), and i'm quite obsessed with my nose which i don't like (had nose surgery when i was too young, would need another surgery now. Dunno about that though)

I used to be a teacher in middle and high school (foreign languages), and an executive assistant (or marketing), i'm almost fifty, and now working in real estate in Southern France (Pau). In my free time, i enjoy learning stuff, so i earned myself several MITx MOOCs certificates in biology and genomics. Also, i love writing fiction. Nobody can understand why i write science-fiction (my culture in sci-fi is almost non-existant), but i just finished writing a techno-medical thriller, action taking place in China ("Airpocalypse") and would like to write "made-in-China" sci-fi. My co-writer Isa and myself are trying to finish another sci-fi, Jesus CRISPR Superstar, French title: La Passion du CRISPR.

I have a great family, scattered around the world (France, NY, Malaysia), spending a lot of time interacting with those folks.

My husband keeps motivating me, he is my learn-new-things coach, so i'm now getting ready for third part of MITx Molecular Biology MOOC: Translation. After that, i'd like to learn more about bioinformatics and precision medicine...

I live in Pau (Southern France) and since i love Asia, getting ready for a 3-months-stay in Japan (spent a lot of time in China last year)... Since i'm interested in science people, twitter is a great way to build a virtual network allowing me to get updates about stuff i enjoy learning and writing about. When i was a teenager, i wanted to become a dancer, a choreographer, a surgeon or a writer. Nine fictional pieces in progress; some of them i write alone, some with the help of a co-writer...

I'm afraid there's nothing else to say (probably too busy retweeting scientific stuff).

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