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Organ transplantation ethics in China : call for testimonies

Comments on the Blog Post Unethical Organ harvesting in China / Chine : les greffes d'organes pratiquées sont contraires à l'éthique (Jan. 31/2007) seem to be breeding quickly. This Blog Post is dedicated to your comments / reactions / testimonies with regards to the David Matas and David Kilgour - report issued on Jan. 31/2007, investigating allegations of organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

All opinions (pro and contra) are welcome, the only rule being courtesy, as this is a touchy subject... Thank you!

Le 31/01/2007 David Matas et David Kilgour, ont rendu public leur rapport sur la pratique de transplantation d'organes en Chine - pratique qui constituerait selon eux une grave violation des droits de l'homme. Vos réactions, commentaires, critiques, témoignages sont les bienvenus. La règle d'or est la courtoisie. Merci !

4 commentaires:

  1. Cat, David Kilgour's revised report offered nothing new. The cases of people going to China for organ had no proof the organs were illegally harvested.

    This is while the original Kilgour report was reviewed and discredited by US congressional researchers.

    In "The Collateral of Suppression", a report critical of China written for Senator Dianne Feinstein, member of US Congressional Executive
    Committee on China (CECC), congressional researchers Emma Ashburn and Thomas Lum were quoted:

    "Emma Ashburn, a research associate at the Congressional-Executive Committee on China (CECC), said that the Matas-Kilgour report really “offered nothing new” in terms of evidence on the matter of organ harvesting. The evidence they did collect, namely the phone calls and testimonies, were dubious in their objectivity.

    Specialist in Asian Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, Thomas Lum, noted that the evidence could have easily been distorted. The individuals calling the hospitals were all affiliated with FLG, and Lum said that it is unlikely for doctors and officials working for the state to casually divulge such sensitive and damaging information so easily.

    Moreover, Lum’s efforts to contact both the Chinese journalist and doctor’s wife have been fruitless, as FLG members direct all communications toward these individuals and they often do not respond. Harry Wu, a longtime political activist known for his hardline anti-PRC views, announced on August 9, 2006 that he would challenge the allegations made by FLG about targeted organ harvesting, especially the claim about the Sujiatun concentration camp.

    About the report, the South China Morning Post reports, “Mr. Wu, who has spent 15 years gathering evidence on the harvesting of organs from executed Chinese prisoners, said the information was based on the testimony of two witnesses, neither of whom had first-hand information. He believed the reports were fabricated.” Wu had tried to follow up with the witnesses just as Lum had—to the same futility. In the face of these criticisms, including from even Wu, who formerly held friendly relations with FLG, all things considered the allegations FLG has made about a targeted campaign of state-sponsored genocide are most likely untrue."

  2. Un médecin travaillant pour l'"Agence de Biomédecine" française m'a indiqué, dès fin juin 2006, que le rapport de M. David Kilgour sur les prélèvements d'organes "forcés" en Chine était malheureusement plus que fondé...

  3. my sources are named. do you mind mane yours?

    I asked a pathology professor to review Kilgour report's photo evidence (appendix 20 case 1) and he contradicted Kilgour's conclusion.

  4. As you can imagine, I can't talk on behalf of the physicians working with the "Agence de la biomédecine".
    "Following the (...) French Bioethics Law of August 6th 2004, the Agence de la biomédecine is the only such public body in Europe to combine the four domains of organ procurement, procreation, human embryology and genetics. Its close links with medical teams and patients enable it to ensure respect for safety and quality, anticipation, ethics and transparency."

    More info and contact info at:
