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Sustainable economy and health: "the story of stuff", "the story of broke"

Sustainable development is a pattern of resource use, that aims to meet human needs while preserving the environment so that these needs can be met.

You might actually know Annie Leonard, with "The Story of Stuff" project ... Totally accurate and embarassing, wasn't it, this little video called "The Story of Stuff"? The truth is, the world at large saw it ... You didn't? No worries, mate: here's your chance to see it again :-)

Just a few days ago, the Story of Stuff Project Team has released its new movie, The Story of Broke: Why There's Still Plenty of Money to Build a Better Future:

"If you've ever wondered why there's money for bank bailouts but none for schools, or think it's nuts to give tax breaks to oil companies swimming in record profits, this movie's for you!

In just seven minutes, Annie busts the big lie that the United States - the wealthiest country in the world and a country in which the wealthiest among us are doing exceptionally well - is incapable of paying our bills, let alone investing in a more sustainable and fair economy.

The truth is, our country's not broke! But we are making some pretty dumb choices.

In the new movie, Annie lays out a common sense argument for shifting billions in government spending away from the ailing 'dinosaur economy' and toward investments in the 21st Century green economy.

You know, the things we all want and almost every candidate promises us: great schools, a healthy environment, clean energy and good jobs.

Wresting our money away from the dinosaur economy and winning investments in a better, more sustainable future is going to require some serious citizen muscle."

You're French or American or come from another country and want to flex your citizen muscle? "The Story of Stuff Project Team" is launching a Community of Action ... Feel like joining? ...

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