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"Doctor, I'm having bad dreams..."

5.000 vital organ grafting (transplants) over the past year in France, the first time ever, average age of organ donor: 54 years old (and a half). Average age of organ receiver: we're being told that organ (mostly kidney) receivers are getting older and older ... There is this "old for old" organ transplant programm, aiming at matching an old donor with an old receiver... But this is far from being the rule, matching old with old... Fact is: lots of organ receivers (mostly kidney) are older than 65 when undergoing their transplant ... A weird redistribution system is at work in each and every occidental country that was involved in World War II, actually - not only for transplants, by the way. FROM YOUNG TO OLD. Shouldn't it happen the other way? Always happened the other way in the past. But it got flipped round... twisted around... Don't ask me why...

This is not true in other parts of the world. In Australia and New-Zealand, in China, or in India, in Africa (various other issues), redistrubution from young to old is seen as unsustainable. And unethical. Older people should give to younger people: jobs, real estate, earth health (being defined as the opposite of "trashing the planet") ... Well, looks like things don't happen this way any more in the Western world...

Japan is yet another story: even if redistribution from young to old is a reality in Japan, "brain death" isn't. For cultural reasons, Japanese people have never believed in "brain death"... Organ donation is really struggling in this country, and has been so from the very beginning... Few transplants do take place in Japan, even today...

Ever tried to talk to people in Western countries about their perverted redistribution system? Good luck with that!  ... They know where their best interests are... and these best interests tell them not to listen to that kind of stuff... and the underlying accusations... Young Occidentals (until 54 years old and a half, that is...) remind me of those beaten children who are not aware something abnormal is going on... But they do have nightmares...

As a reminder: organ transplants were first made from young donors (involed in a traffic accident most of the time) in order to "save" the life of a dying young father or mother... Nowadays, young vital organ(s)* donors are pretty scarce ... Organ donors are most of the time patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident...

Now, let's see... What in your opinion is (should be) innovation?

* Did you know that one "donor" can provide 7 to 9 transplant patients with one organ? Just add up muscle, skin, corneas, bones etc. to the wish list ... and you'll get one "donor" for ...32 patients! Kind of freaky, isn't it?

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