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Studying genomics and quantitative biology at MIT (Part II)

Studying genomics and quantitative biology at MIT Part I

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For Part I, see here.

Week 5 is now live: gene expression and genomics with python & Eric Lander PhD. The first thing we get to learn in genomics and quantitative biology is the importance of patenting & patents ;-)

... and since we are talking about money...
"It would take 30 years for computers to get a million fold increase in speed. It takes you three days to get 300 billion letters of DNA... And now people have announced another factor five..."
(5 times quicker than 3 days!...)

Wainting for the $100 era..
 Maybe Asia (how about India?) is the right place for that -- & NOT the US...

DNA has a diameter of about 2.5 nanometers:
Name of the course: Quantitative Biology Workshop -- #QBWx on twitter. This MOOC is offered by edX & MIT.

1 commentaire:

  1. "In June of this year, the Chinese
    produced the fastest computer in the world in terms of FLOPs, which is able to do 34 peta-FLOPs.
    34 peta-FLOPs, that's like 10 to the 16th, 3 times 10 to the 16th, operations per second." Eric Lander, 7QBWx
