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What do our genes have to do with quantitative biology, statistics & probability? Everything.

To cure many diseases in the future, we will have to target genes; NOT the organs. We have a LOT of cells and DNA (as opposed to the limited number of organs, of course).

MIT is currently offering a MOOC for you to learn quantitative or systems biology: 7QBWx. Week 6 is now live. On the menu: statistics in biology and genomics with R. Making disease predictions like you are in some casino (I'l go for Vegas), trying to evaluate what your chances are with, let's say, the roulette wheel spinning? Looks like fun!

Links to my previous posts about MIT-edX MOOC 7.QBWx here & here.
(On Twitter: #7QBWx)

Week 6:
"- Cool, huh?"
Thank you, Professor Paul Blainey!

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