Cool pic @6gems w/profile of a great program @BlackGirlsCode tackling tech's diversity problem
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) October 28, 2014
Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)
Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).
To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!
Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.
I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
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Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.
Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Black Girls Code
Find the author of this blog on LinkedIn
For GR8 #Genomics, #Genetics, #RareDisease & #BigData Tweets Follow @cathcoste - "The Force Is Strong In This One"
— Yoni Maisel - CVID (@Primary_Immune1) October 13, 2014
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Medicine |
Highly interested in precision "genomic" medicine, in mHealth and patient engagement. MOOC & book worm. Earned myself two MITx edX certificates: genomics and python (quantitative medicine).
Here's How I've started Learning Quantitative Medicine #MOOCs @StanfordMedX #MedX @MITxBio @MITOCW @mitx6001x #7QBWx
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 6, 2014
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See my profile on LinkedIn You can follow me on Twitter Send your questions & comments! The one thing you need to know about me: passionate about science and society, working on a writing project: genomic entertainment. From the Broad Institute to Broadway? I'm talking about the human genome project here -- so YES: I'm talking about YOUR own genome... I did a post-graduate teacher training at La Sorbonne university, Paris, taught German language and literature in middle and high school for over a decade and earned myself two MITx EdX digital diplomas (certificates) in genomics and quantitative biology: 7000x and 7.QBWx. Currently a MOOC student: "Explore Statistics With R" (edX). One last thing: I am a writer. |
#FF @miyagawa_mit @DNABARCODE @MITxBio @portablegenomic @IBMWatson @edXOnline @broadinstitute @EricTopol @lindaavey
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 8, 2014
via @mHealthInsight The Alpha & Omega of Digital Health #CDoM #HIC14 @HISA_HIC @healthystartups #TheWalkingGallery
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 14, 2014
Wow @EricTopol's Walking Gallery jacket by @ReginaHolliday features the @Alivecor ECG #mHealth
— mHealth Insight (@mHealthInsight) June 21, 2014
“I’m for privacy but not at the cost of avoidable pain, suffering and death.” - MIT prof, John Guttag #BigData
— Actian Corporation (@ActianCorp) March 5, 2014
My message to Regina Holliday -- The Walking Gallery Of Patients (sent 08/18/2014):
Connecting @ReginaHolliday w/ @MITxBio @MITOCW @miyagawa_mit->@eric_lander + @EricTopol =#CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 18, 2014
I hope @eric_lander gets his jacket painted by @ReginaHolliday, just like @EricTopol did #MOOC
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 18, 2014
As consumers, we should be able to select products that use our data to help us manage our own healthcare. #healthtech
— Piers Mainwaring (@piersadrian) August 9, 2014
Announcing the new MIT Connect: Explore #MIT through #socialmedia.
— MIT (@MIT) September 4, 2014
2 truly inspiring & outstanding #ePatients: @Billaut (France) & @ePatientDave (USA) #mHealth
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 9, 2014
My personal favorite e-patient: @digitalpatient_ "Scripps Pt Who Cracked Genetic Dz Link Profiled by Science Website"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 9, 2014
Guys, meet the wonderful @digitalpatient_, who's the protagonist of my Mosaic (& elsewhere) story
— Ed Yong (@edyong209) August 19, 2014
My Motivation
Studied #genomics at #MIT; a writer inspired by @ePatientDave & #ASHG14
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 23, 2014
Still busy reviewing the contents of *top* #genomics & #quantitative #biology @MITxBio #edX #MOOCs #700x & #7QBWx -> not doing new MOOCs now
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 25, 2014
"Him" the sequel to #Her the #movie -- @SusannahFox in & out of love w/ @IBMWatson @EricTopol
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 25, 2014
I am a woman & I may be in love with @IBMWatson ;) via @S4PM & @SusannahFox #ASHG14 #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 25, 2014
.@IBMWatson ignoring med knowledge not captured in published sci studies -> putting patient's life in jeopardy @S4PM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 25, 2014
Is biotech only about tools, products, money, & policy? Does homo ludens (culture of play) need to underlie homo faber (culture of making)?
— Drew Endy (@DrewEndy) September 18, 2014
.@DrewEndy homo faber ;)
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 29, 2014
In 50 years, will we 3D print brain tissue? If so, will it be conscious?via @dereknewell Curious 2 see what @TheRealBanksy thinks about that
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 29, 2014
"Keep calm and own your health data" ft. the legendary @ePatientDave at #hdpalooza Please RT to support patients
— Maneesh Juneja (@ManeeshJuneja) June 2, 2014
"In most cases in history conventional wisdom is wrong" @JCVenter -> We need more #BoxTrolls!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 6, 2014
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Inspired by: |
Navigating the brain: revolutionizing neuroscience?
What has the brain got to do with genome sequencing? Everything. Yinqing Li @broadinstitute explains: #neuroscience
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 12, 2014
Brain + gene seq. = connectome. Yinqing Li @broadinstitute explains: + growing new neurons:
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 12, 2014
Adult brain may be capable of rebuilding itself after injury -> the death of #braindeath? #neuroscience #StemCells
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 12, 2014
"Exponential Organization", a book by Salim Ismail
"Exponential Organization", a new book by @salimismail + exponential med&finance @singularityu
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 11, 2014
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"Data Science at the Command Line"
Data Science at the Command Line just got real!
— Jeroen Janssens (@jeroenhjanssens) October 9, 2014
"The Right Cancer Treatment Is In Your RNA"
We are disrupting #cancer ! You are invited to join our #cause
— Gitte Pedersen (@DNABARCODE) October 9, 2014
"Blow Up Banks!" -- Marc Fiorentino's new book is out!
The #DNA blockchain based off #Bitcoin
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Fintech & biotech have merged. "Blow Up Banks", @marcfiorentino 's new book, is out.French "Faites sauter la banque!"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
800 million Apple accounts ww. What's the biggest bank in the world today? Apple, via @marcfiorentino "Blow Up Banks"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
.@mikaelhuss Storing data in our/synthetic DNA. Why not storing cryptocurrency in DNA? Biology & digital have merged.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Ever wondered about the biology of #banking? Apple, Amazon, PayPal & FB are (+ many others in China) #synbio #CRISPR #DNA #genomics #digital
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Ever wondered about the biology of banking? No? Well, this is your chance!...
"Blow up the entire banking system" -- @marcfiorentino's new book is out! #banking #synbio
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
"Faites sauter la banque" par @marcfiorentino. En effet J.C. Venter & co. y travaillent.Nos e-sous ds ADN synthétique
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Will we store our e-money in synthetic DNA? Today's banks: Amazon, Apple, PayPal, Facebook.![]() |
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.@marcfiorentino Merci pr votre livre, un régal "Blow up the entire banking system" Marc Fiorentino's new book is out
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
The bio. of #banking @eperlste @JCVenter @EricTopol @marcfiorentino #synbio #genomics "Blowing up the banking syst."
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Le #DMP & la cryptomonnaie ds de l'ADN synthétique? Nos génome&sous sur iTunes @marcfiorentino
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
Votre génome sur iTunes via @portablegenomic @marcfiorentino #biotech & #fintech have merged :) #DNA #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 10, 2014
"DNA Block Chain Project Boosts Research, Preserves Pt Anonymity" #blockchain #DNA #bitcoin
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 11, 2014
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"Life After Death May Be Possible"?! -- Futurama's Bender: "Bite My Shiny Metal Ass"
"Life After Death' May Be Possible" @HuffPostCanada What is #braindeath? Vivisection? creeepy.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 9, 2014
This is a very sad post. I shan't expound why. You can draw your own conclusions.
— Jason Pontin (@jason_pontin) 7 Octobre 2014
Ideas are the brute force of the future
— J. Craig Venter (@JCVenter) 8 Octobre 2014
Mes mots mis dans mon ADN.
#ASHG14 In France, citizens are not allowed to get their DNA sequenced if they want to. @Billaut @babgi @bfmbusiness
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 8 Octobre 2014
La révolte des mots sera la dernière étape de la révolution générale.
— bernard pivot (@bernardpivot1) October 6, 2014
.@bernardpivot1 Suis 1 geek des mots, ceux qui ont voté avec leurs pieds, sont allés faire 2 p'tits #MOOCs o'MIT. Mes mots mis dans mon ADN.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 7, 2014
Big Pharma Turning New Cancer Treatment Into Highly Profitable Niche
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Cost of #cancer drugs--theme of the week @60Minutes @Health_Affairs and @WSJ
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) October 7, 2014
Sequencing your own genome at home?
Sequencing your own genome at home, like so. Forbidden in France. I am officially living among the #BoxTrolls #ASHG14
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 6, 2014
Penny looking for a #MOOC in #genomics; Bell's inequality, the B bar & Barbie theory @SCooperBazzinga @BigBang_CBS
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 6, 2014
Penny looking 4 #MOOC in #genomics Strongly recommend #700x @MITxBio @edXOnline #BigBangTheory
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 2, 2014
Sheldon Cooper is following me on Twitter. Bazinga
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
The last 10 minutes of this lecture by @AllanAdamsYG are a mind blowing & v. accessible summary of Bell's Inequality
— Aatish Bhatia (@aatishb) September 11, 2014
Accessible summary of Bell's Inequality Sheldon Cooper & Penny (Barbie, as opposed to B bar) would love this @aatishb
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 6, 2014
Would U rather donate your organs, or your data? #BigBangTheory Documenting all the way from Organ Donation 2 #CRISPR
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 7, 2014
Will we see @SCooperBazzinga & co @BigBang_CBS playing FOLDIT video game? Sequel 2 "Fun with Flags": folding proteins
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 19, 2014
Gamers able 2 solve previously imposs. protein folding pbs w/ @foldit #ASHG14 Angry Birds w/ proteins?Better than Fun w/flags #BigBangTheory
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 19, 2014
Gamers are able to solve previously impossible protein folding pbs w/ @foldit #ashg14 Angry Birds with proteins? @jackandraka would love it!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 19, 2014
Amazon dans la santé ? C'est possible et voici pourquoi
Déremboursement progressif des #médicaments en #France. Jusqu'à atteindre 100%. Qui va récupérer ce marché ? @amazon, je pense ;) #cham2014
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 4, 2014
Evolution or Revolution?
Turning humanity "into an info-driven species, working from knowledge" @JCVenter. Until then..
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 3, 2014
— banksy (@thereaIbanksy) October 2, 2014
Brain Death Is Getting A Reboot And It's Called Brain Health
From brain death to brain health?"Instead of euthanizing people, you can 'youthanize' them!" :) Geneticist @JCVenter
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 2, 2014
"You change the software, you change the species:" Geneticist J. Craig Venter, creating a humanized pig for organ transplantation. "If we have the ability to make some things more youthful (cells, for example), can we say that we are 'youthanizing' them? I like to coin new terminology."
"We can reprogram our DNA to be in a more youthful state. If we could turn medicine into an info-driven science, it would turn humanity into an info-driven species, working from knowledge; not from myth."
From euthanizing to "youthanizing" (brain cells, for example), thanks to genetics? Looks like brain death is getting a reboot and it's called brain health...
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Taking Digital Health to The Next Level a new @commonwealthfnd report nicely done
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) October 4, 2014
Gr8 pres. by geneticist @JCVenter. From "brain death" to brain health? On "youthanizing cells"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 2, 2014
"There’s no reason to think there’s an absolute, finite limit on human life.” -- @JCVenter
— Antonio Regalado (@antonioregalado) October 2, 2014
Dr. Craig Venter - "Life at the Speed of Light"
"Life at the speed of light" instead of Black Holes in #TheBigBangTheory? Welcome 2 the digital era of biology, guys!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 2, 2014
Geneticist @JCVenter says diabetic pts could download insulin at home "Life At The Speed Of Light" #genomics #mhealth
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
"Life At The Speed Of Light!" #genomics, Mars, @elonmusk & @JCVenter @humanlongevity #QuantitativeMedicine #CDoM #DNA
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
Geneticist J. C. Venter: "We R able 2 send biology thru the Internet. We can make DNA, RNA, proteins, phage & simple self replicating cells"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
"Taking in a digital signal & converting it back into biology:Life at the speed of light" #DNA
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
Biological teleportation: "Life at the speed of light" by @JCVenter Reading & writing of Ur genome goes digital #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
Synthetic genomics to rewrite the pig genome -> lung transplant! #xenotransplantation #xénogreffe via @JCVenter #DNA
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 27, 2014
Geneticist J. Craig Venter: "Life is a DNA software system. If U change the DNA software, U change the species" "Life at the speed of light"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 22, 2014
At the @msichicago. Quantitative Medicine (genome microbiome metabolome) 2 go mainstream in couple of yrs. Who knows?
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 20, 2014
Quantitative Medicine (genome microbiome metabolome) 2 go mainstream in couple of yrs.Yet only few pple are aware of this #PrecisionMedicine
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 20, 2014
What is a gene of consequence for a disease? Compound heterozygote mutations predicitve of dz reality! via @JCVenter
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 22, 2014
Treating cancer: $10,000/month #PrecisionMedicine too expensive 4 me @JCVenter #genomics #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 12, 2014
If anything, biology & genomics R *quantitative* #7QBWx Wait, #BigPharma got it wrong! @pfizer @Roche @JCVenter #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 12, 2014
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#BigPharma interested++ in designing a #synthetic #microbiome says @JCVenter #genomics #synbio
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 13, 2014
Ever heard of "metabolomics"?Now you have. "Life At The Speed Of Light" by @JCVenter #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 13, 2014
"Trying to make medicine quantitative:" "Life at the speed of light" by @JCVenter #7QBWx #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 19, 2014
Biology goes digital. Now we can flip that around: zeros and ones can make biological stuff... Coming up with situations where "a software builds its own hardware!"
Biology goes digital. Flip that around: 0s&1s can make bio. stuff -> "A software builds its own hardware." @JCVenter
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 19, 2014
Virtual DNA sequence to real genes & genomes without human intervention, via @JCVenter #synbio
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 22, 2014
Soon->a robot that will automatically assemble DNA "Life at the speed of light" @JCVenter #DNA
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
#genomics & pandemic response (vaccine) by J.Craig Venter #QuantitativeMedicine #DNA #vaccines
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 28, 2014
Making photosynthetic animals/ humans? "Life at the speed of light" #QuantitativeMedicine #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) August 29, 2014
Welcome 2 the digital era of biology, Sheldon Cooper. "Life at the speed of light" in The #BigBangTheory! #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 2, 2014
Genomics and the Golden Age of Hardware Hacking
#genomics Human is a software writing his/her own hardware. Change the software, change the species. Golden age of hardware hacking? #CRISPR
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
Understanding Gene Editing and Making It Work for You | The Scientist Magazine® via @sharethis
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
Q&A with Feng Zhang head of genome-engineering lab @broadinstitute
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
Human as a software. CRISPR the next killer app? (No pun intended)
On The Future of Apple and Google
— Calestous Juma (@calestous) October 1, 2014
"The Future of Google & Apple" @stevecheney Human as a software #genomics. #CRISPR:the nxt killer app?no pun intended
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
The Future of Google & Apple via @stevecheney + #genomics teaching us that human = software writing its own hardware.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
Apple & Google: via @stevecheney Nxt Apple killer apps: #CRISPR & @IBMWatson? Human=software writing its own hardware
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 1, 2014
Genomic Entertainment: keep calm & listen to the music of your genes
I'm impressed & fascinated: #genomics & #Entertainment combined, via @portablegenomic #DTC
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 30, 2014
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