Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)
Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).
To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!
Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.
I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
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Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.
Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Welcome. My husband's the Grinning Cat, and my sister in law the Mad Hatter
.@Primary_Immune1 #RareDisease #bigdata Live from #disneylandparis: my husband's the #GrinningCat I'm the #MadHatter!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 13, 2014
Disneyland Paris, Oct. 2014 |
Special thanks to Florence, "La Boit'à Floh", for the cool hat! She's the one and only true Mad Hatter, I'm just pretending ...
Live from Disneyland Paris: My husband's the Grinning Cat & my sister in law the Mad Hatter & I love Ratatouille 1/2
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 12, 2014
TY "La Boit'à Floh" 4 *cool* hat! Floh's the 1 & only true Mad Hatter, I'm just pretending 2/2
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 12, 2014
I'm a literature geek. My pseudo is LiteraGeek. I'm a MOOC- & bookworm. Seeking complementarity, I love working with computer programming geeks. Interested in musicals and genomics. Working on merging both -> genomic entertainment.
@cathcoste |
Glad to hear about @focusatwill at #xmed! @portablegenomic
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014
French citizens cannot get their own genome sequenced: it is forbidden by law
E. Schadt: It is morally wrong to deny anybody access to data on themselves, whether it is their medical record or molecular data @techonomy
— Icahn Institute (@IcahnInstitute) November 22, 2014
Why Feminist Hacker Barbie is just what our little girls need
— WIRED (@WIRED) November 22, 2014
"The Patient Will See You Now"
Presenting at #xmed: @gillam There is a Copernician shift in healthcare. Patients moving to the center of healthcare
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014
Thanks @KirkusReviews for the great review of #PWSYN
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) November 24, 2014 |
Top #health #disruptors among 6 mentioned by @EricTopol @NYeHealth: @ButterflyNetInc @Theranos @MedWand @Samir_Qamar.
— MedWand Solutions (@MedWand) November 19, 2014
Thx @StephLBaum for @MedCityNews about @EricTopol's #DHC14 talk at @NYeHealth
>> his new book
— Wen Dombrowski MD (@HealthcareWen) November 21, 2014
"In every case of a person who's sick, #genomics is relevant. It is either causative or plays a v. important role"
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 22, 2014
"Checkpoint inhibitors are drugs that mimic tumor immunity" @nygenome @darnelr #Cancer The Future of Genomic Medicine
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 22, 2014
Democratizing Medicine: Eric Topol Pushes a Patient-Centered Healthcare #PWSYN #CDoM #mhealth
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 27, 2014
"Decoding a Genomic Revolution"
Decoding a Genomic Revolution @TEDxCambridge @manoliskellis #7QBWx @MITxBio #700x @edXOnline
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 25 Novembre 2014
#7QBWx Quantitative Biology Workshop #MOOC - Jan13
Learn to use #python, #Rstats, @matlab to analyze real bio data!
— MITx biology (@MITxBio) 31 Octobre 2014 |
Realizing the Opportunities of Genomics in Health Care - @PersonalizedMed #healthcare #genomics #CDoM #PWSYN #xmed
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 25 Novembre 2014
The Millennial Rebuttal
New book by @jackandraka due March 10, 2015!! Un autre livre à traduire en français, @derosnayjoel ;) #bookworm #hero
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 25 Novembre 2014
"Nos Etoiles Malheureuses"
"Nos Etoiles Contraires" est un contresens ! Met l'accent sur le couple et non sur la maladie #FIOS @TheFault_Quotes
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 23, 2014
Nos étoiles contraires = star-crossed love. "The Fault In Our Stars" ne *sépare pas* les étoiles. "Nos étoiles contraires" -> sépare. #FIOS
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 23, 2014
New Device May Put DNA Testing in Doctors' Hands
New Device May Put DNA Testing in Doctors' Hands @QuantuMDx @HSBC_Press #genomics #banking
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 23, 2014
Healthcare Clone Wars
#xmed @JCVenter #Google @EricTopol @ReginaHolliday #TheWalkingGallery #CDoM #RareDiseases @ExponentialMed #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 22 Novembre 2014
I just inserted an RFID tag into my hand live on stage. Here’s why.
— Peter Diamandis (@PeterDiamandis) November 19, 2014
Storing #Bitcoins under your skin, thanks to an #rfid TAG #Bigdata #quantifiedself via @PeterDiamandis @JCVenter
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 22, 2014
"Davids & Goliath" |
Congrats to David Kilgour & David Matas Organ trafficking in China (not only Falun Gong!)
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 21, 2014
Davids and Goliath / / Canada | 2014 | 66 min. / / Nobel Peace Prize nominees David Matas and David Kilgour u..
— Артем Цилис (@TemiyF) November 15, 2014
Davids et Goliath: un film documentaire sur les prélèvements d’organes primé au Canada
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 21, 2014
Film on Organ Harvesting Wins Best Documentary via @epochtimes
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 21, 2014
"Genomics becomes Pop"
Genomics becomes Pop. Quite literally, with OK Go’s DNA Album. Special read for @ewanbirney and @Nick_Goldman
— Nicolas Robine (@notSoJunkDNA) November 19, 2014
We are a software (our DNA) making its own hardware (proteins, cells). Technologic.
via @TriLinkBioTech & @DailyNewsGW #CRISPR #synbio #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 19, 2014
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) in "The Walking Gallery of Healthcare"
@ReginaHolliday @larrychu Number 300 checking in obo ppl w ALS in the Rolodex. This is a treasure in the ALS fight.
— ALS Advocacy Topics (@alsadvocacy) November 18, 2014
"The Future of Genomic Medicine"
Fascinated by this video "The Future of Genomic Medicine:" @IBMWatson @nygenome TY @darnelr #xmed #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 18, 2014
Choosing Wisely
Love this Choosing Wisely video Thanks to @CeciConnolly | @ABIMFoundation needs follow-up
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) November 16, 2014
Exponential Medicine: The Future of Medicine (San Diego CA, Nov. 9-12)
The ‘that’s a wrap’ from @ExponentialMed ’s digital footprint: 89,345,517 impressions 15,988 tweets
2,701 participants @daniel_kraft #xMed
— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) November 13, 2014
And the graphical summary with direct link report: #xMed cc @daniel_kraft
— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) November 13, 2014
I found it very moving to attend "live" @JCVenter & @KurzweilAINews's presentations at #xmed. Grateful for this, too.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014
At #xmed Singularity Univ Conf: "Within 20 years we'll be able to reprogram away disease & ageing," says Ray Kurzweil
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014 |
"@metarand: Within 20 years we will be able to reprogram away disease and ageing. Ray Kurzweil #xmed - bring it on!"
— YOUtopia Quest (@YoutopiaQuest) November 12, 2014
My favorite tweet of the day: at #xmed conference San Diego The Future of Medicine @ExponentialMed @portablegenomic
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 12 Novembre 2014
“Life changing doesn’t have to be life ending.” @NigelAckland Bionic Arm Man #xmed
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 12, 2014
A terrifying view of healthcare foundation @Christianassad #xmed
— captureproof (@captureproof) November 12, 2014
#xmed The Future of Medicine. The Dark Side of the Force activated & triggered by poor chronic disease management
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014
450 innovators, over 50 faculty & 50 dynamic startups at #xMed The Future Of Medicine is now live -> #grateful #CDoM
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
YES! @lucienengelen & @ePatientDave People/patients want to *own* their data. "Give me my damn data!" Let the patient be his own silo! #xmed
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
wow! what a concept! patient own their data!! via @lucienengelen #xmed Been in that choir for years!
— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) November 11, 2014
Healthcare will be transformed by "outside" organisations and persons #xmed
— Stefan Ottenheijm (@stefanottenh) 11 Novembre 2014
#Music part of civilization since beginning of time, but now stripped out of healthcare & edu. @MusicandHealing #xmed
— Wen Dombrowski MD (@HealthcareWen) 11 Novembre 2014
MT @cathcoste: End of organ-based medicine on to precision genomics @vkhosla #xmed @SCooperBazzinga #BigBangTheory
— Kimberly George (@kimberlyanngeo) 11 Novembre 2014
#XMED: Craig Venter @JCVenter Estimates 5 Million Complete Human Genomes Sequenced by 2020 | @SingularityHub
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 11, 2014
What are the different types of #aging damage? #xmed @ExponentialMed #Medicine #Health
— Arshya Vahabzadeh MD (@VahabzadehMD) November 11, 2014
Aging is a stem cell pb. @HaririRobert #xmed: it's good news cuz we have tools 2 address this pb. Euthanizing death?
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 11, 2014
Fascinating series of talks regarding regenerative medicine this morning here at #xmed.
— kristinmilburn (@kristinmilburn) 11 Novembre 2014
@HaririRobert explaining promise of regenerative med at #xmed. Aging means we have more specialized stem cells; less adaptable stem cells.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
.@HaririRobert explaining promise of regenerative medicine at #xmed. Broken stem cells causing all manner of diseases
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
A.Russell @CarnegieMellon The Future Of Inflammatory Medicine #xmed Still lots of challenges in the field #3dprinting
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 11, 2014
MSC (mesenchymal stem cells) sources. Young MSC, female MSC have more potential than male MSCs. -A.Russell #xmed
— Ruth Ann Crystal, MD (@CatchTheBaby) November 11, 2014
Alan Russell @CarnegieMellon at #xmed conf. -> regenerative med. We need 2 understand what stem cells *produce* much more than what they do.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
Mesenchymal stem cells are anti-inflammatory, angiogenic, cell proliferative and are antibiotics too -A.Russell #xmed
— Ruth Ann Crystal, MD (@CatchTheBaby) November 11, 2014
“Life is a DNA software system. Change the software and you change the species!” - @JCVenter @JCVenterInst #xmed
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) 11 Novembre 2014
“Our body has 10x as many microbe cells as human cells...We are 90% non-human!” @LSmarr @UCSDHealth #xmed
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) 11 Novembre 2014
“Inflammation is the orchestrator of our healing process.” - Alan Russell @CarnegieMellon #xmed
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 11, 2014
Incredible history lesson & future vision from Venter on genomics at #xmed from transplantation to phages that kill drug resistant bacteria
— Andres Jimenez MD (@ajimenezmdihit) November 11, 2014
On Migration Of Regenerative Cells: Alan Russell from @CarnegieMellon talking at #xmed conference. #stemcells
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 11, 2014
2morrow surgeons & geneticists will both equally prevail #xmed -> fixing/curing & preventing. @JCVenter = new Dr. House &/or MD in Nip/Tuck?
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) 11 Novembre 2014
Exponential human by Dave Zaboski @cre8tiveAlchemy #xmed #digitalhealth @Nuviun
— Tamer Shahin (@Tamershahin) November 11, 2014
.@JCVenter at #xmed conference San Diego. Organ-by-organ med (w/brain as The Conductor= Lion, King Of Jungle) is OUT.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 11, 2014
My 1st animated production to crowd-fund for my thesis on genetic counseling awareness Let me know what you think!
— Dena DNA (@DenaTalksDNA) November 10, 2014
Thank you @delcoronado and sunny San Diego for an amazing venue to network & make new relationships #xmed #health
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 10, 2014
Join our LIVE STREAM at #xmed! Visit
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 9, 2014
Now joining us on stage @RaymondMcCauley Biotech Track Chair @SingularityU & Cofounder @BioCuriousLab
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 10, 2014
“Genome Editing, Drag-and-Drop Genetic Engineering Works Really Well!"@RaymondMcCauley Biotech @SingularityU #xmed
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 10, 2014
#xmed get immunized against HIV, stomach flu by knocking out CCR5, FUT2 gene via bio-engineering
— tony mahony, I. (@tonymahony1) November 10, 2014
“@2healthguru: Renaissance in genetic engineering @@raymondmccauley #xmed”
— Robert Muijsers (@RMuijsers) November 10, 2014
TY @raymondmccauley 4 mind blowing presentation re the future of medicine #diybio #genomics #CRISPR #xmed Gr8 updates
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 10, 2014
Exponential Medicine- A summary of our action packed Day 1 from @Daniel_Kraft #Xmed..Join us for livestream 2mrrow
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 10, 2014
The #xMed digital dashboard; TY @ExponentialMed 4 awesome conf! Learning at the speed of light
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 10, 2014
Today #xmed was a firehose of information! Watch the Exponential Medicine - Day 2 Overview Video with @Daniel_Kraft:
— Exponential Medicine (@ExponentialMed) November 11, 2014
.@ExponentialMed "I'm just a retweet machine. Roger Roger." #xmed Pardon my enthusiasm ;)
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 11, 2014
The #xMed digital dashboard;
— Gregg Masters (@2healthguru) November 10, 2014 | |
Getting ready for #xmed day 4. Can't stop tweeting: loads of fascinating stuff shown here. San Diego is just magic ;)
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 12, 2014
What Is Genomic Entertainment?
At the American Society of Human Genomics Congress 2014 |
From the Broad @broadinstitute to Broadway? #ASHG14 Genomic Entertainment: From Organ Replacement 2 Genomic Precision
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 23, 2014
From the Internet to the InnerNet:
One day I'll be able to listen to the music of genes here. iTunes it's in our #DNA
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 23, 2014
Dear Apple, I'd like to be able to download my genome on my mobile to discuss it with my physician. My body my data.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 23, 2014
#ASHG14 Digital Rights Management #DRM & #DNA. #Biology & IT have merged. We are a software making its own hardware.
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 22, 2014
From the Internet to the InnerNet: can my genome copying itself make music on iTunes? #DaftPunk's cool tunes out of their DNA on iTunes
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 23, 2014
Chromosomal walking; not schlepping, in Gangnam style -- with Eric Lander PhD, MIT & Broad Institute, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project:I love this video: genomic entertainment = linguistics + genomics; Noam Chomsky + Eric Lander. I've studied with both: Noam Chomsky at La Sorbonne & Paris X Nanterre, France (a long time ago) and Eric Lander, 2013-2014, MITx EdX genomics and quantitative biology workshop.
MIT in Gangnam style
Genomic entertainment = linguistics + genomics; Noam Chomsky + Eric Lander. Studied w/ both! @MITgangnamstyle #ASHG14
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 23, 2014
.@AvalonVentures's Kevin Kinsella might like this: merging musical & #genomics @MITxBio @eric_lander @portablegenomic
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 31, 2014
TY Court Turner @AvalonVentures From @broadinstitute 2 BDWY Merging musical & #genomics @eric_lander @portablegenomic
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) October 31, 2014
Robin Cook associating vivisection w/cloning & #nanomed. #Futurama Bender asking: what's #braindeath? @JCVenter #xmed
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 8, 2014
Google's David Glazer took a MOOC course by MIT's Eric Lander. Now Google "Wants To Store Your Genome"
Hey @Clarksearch, Google's David Glazer took @MITxBio @edXOnline #MOOC course by @eric_lander #700x, just as you did!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 7, 2014 |
What does it take 2 earn yourself an #edXCert in #genomics @MITxBio @edXOnline #MOOC #700x? Answer here @Clarksearch
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) November 7, 2014
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