Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)

Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).

To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!

Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.

I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.

Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).

I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.

Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (

"Avoiding the silos at all costs!"

"How One Woman Deciphered Her Own Genetic Mutation"

Bienvenue dans le monde merveilleux de la médecine quantitative !

Génome, microbiome, métabolome, késako ?? Jamais entendu parler de ces termes. Pourtant, la médecine de demain, celle qui se prépare de par le monde, croise deux compétences qui défient les frontières des pays : le numérique et la biologie. L'union des deux donne naissance à la médecine quantitative, qui d'après la NASA est "la technologie du 21ème siècle". Récemment diplômée du MIT en Génétique & Big Data et de la Sorbonne en sciences humaines, je suis passionnée par ce projet : expliquer la science au grand public.

Suivez-moi sur Twitter: @cathcoste.

The Rise Of Quantitative Medicine - L'ère de la médecine quantitative

Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

"the illusion that science can provide some objective answer that applies to a special danger"

Also for organ "donation"...

Your genome on your iPhone

Eric Topol MD: "You’ll be able to use your phone to image parts of your body. So let’s say you’re worried about your heart. You can just take your phone, put it on your chest and it will take pictures of your heart and an ultrasound. Or if you want to do your own breast screen, instead of a mammogram, you could use your phone to do an ultrasound of your breast – which is much more sensitive than a mammogram."


"New drug delivery system prevents transplant rejection"

"True age reversal in humans by 2025"

MIT & "extremely personalized medicine"


Doing Data Science with coLaboratory

"For more information about this project please see our talks on collaborative data science and zero dependency python. In addition to our external partners in the coLaboratory project, we would like to thank everyone at Google who contributed: the Chromium Native Client team, the Google Drive team, the Open Source team, and the Security team."

Google's anti-aging health-tech spinoff, Calico, now has a website

"IBM unveils brain-like chip - discover the latest SyNAPSE chip"

"The [Healthcare] Revolution Will Be Tweeted"

BREAKING: Death Of Brain Death

Couple of reasons for this:

- "Cadaveric organ donation"-- brain death = death. Truth is: we dunno for sure. They say they can transplant people thanks to "cadaveric" organ donation. But what really happens when you get to ingest cadaver is ebola. Not really a life saver -- mortality rate of ebola: 60%. Transplant surgeons are no Harry Potter wizards. They need live organs they can transplant to live people.

- Artificial Intelligence: Wao. Check this out:

IBM launches functioning brain-inspired chip

"Operates at 46 billion 'synaptic operations' per second per watt; 100 trillion 'synapses' planned, matching the approximate number in the human brain."

"Brain death," when you can get a brain-inspired chip with "1 million programmable neurons?" L.O.L.

SynCardia’s Total Artificial Heart with SynHall Valves Now Approved in U.S

"Bioethics goes Hollywood"

"Anyone else bothered by >12 million medical diagnostic errors/yr in U.S.?"

"The Monster High Genome Project": Genomic musical hitting Growlway!

Genomic Entertainment: Ghouls Genome Project The Musical.

For Martin Wincker and Eric Topol MD: enjoy this nutty'n girly piece of fan art!
MonsterHigh Institute of Tech (MIT Salem), January 2014:

This morning, Operetta is rehearsing a song by Birdy: "People help the people", because she believes it to be the essence of what Internet-minded people call "2.0".
==> Operetta singing "People help the people": download audio file. 

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.

Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set
"Things that are just patently absurd and impossible today turn out to be just hard a year or two from now, and turn out eventually to be a high school lab project a decade and a half from now or something like that. That's what modern biology is." Eric Lander PhD, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project.

Genomic musical hitting Growlway?!? That's all very well (and madly ambitious), but how do you get all the way from the science of the human genome to some kind of genomic musical hitting... Growlway? Sounds like a nutty idea, doesn't it?

Well, I wanna try to tell you the whole story. I wanted to write something about our genes and about people helping the people, thanks to the Internet.

It all started with that writing assignment a friend of mine -- a Canadian writer and MD -- gave me last summer.

"Monster High", the Ughsome Musical! A writing (and singing) assignment:

==>  LINK

What happened next was... this: the ghouls thought their Mad Science teacher deserved a No-Bel Prize and they wanted to help him get it. How? Well thanks to their nutty secret project:

"The Monster High Genome Project" : Genomic musical hitting Growlway!

Special Halloween 2013! MIT Salem Students help their PhD Prof get No-Bel Prize with Genomic Musical in Growlway! 

==> LINK

But hey, wait a second! How do you get from Mad Science to some cool gene groove? I just don't get it... Well, here would be a good place to start:  

Working hard in biochemistry today... 

==> LINK

Our favorite ghouls just knew one thing: "What is in my body belongs to me. My genes belong to me. My body, my data."

"But mad science data does not translate into music, does it?," asked Operetta. She wasn't sure... How could you possibly listen to the music of your genes? 

"My Body My Data My Music": Gene Groove, The first Genomic Music App Ever!
==> LINK  

"Evolution is all about competition", says Clawdia, who new a thing or two about competition, as the teenager ghoul wanted nothing more than to set-up her own fashion empire. "I wanna be a smash, Marilyn wanted it, the cells in my body want it..." 

Marilyn & Marilyn and the "Evolution is about Competition" theory
==> LINK

That's all very well, but you know what? Mad science is made of 2% of talent plus 98% of hard work, where most people think that if you want to get a No-Bel Prize, you need 98% of talent and 2% of work (redefined as "serendipitous luck").

Oh, and just one last thing: if you want to learn how the MIT Salem ghoul students came to meet the One Direction boys band -- and then what happened?? -- I'm afraid you'll have to read... this:

The Ghoulfriends are having it their way!

==> LINK

"Well, choose me!"

"Let me be your star" -- Bombshell/Smash, the Musical

=> Download audio file here.

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.

Or: you can download MP3 version of audio file here.


"A life science recruiter's blog on placing R&D professionals"

Earned myself 2 MIT-edX certificates. What next?

MIT-edX Quantitative Biology 7.QBWx Certificate

 MIT-edX The Secret of Life 7.00x Certificate
Total 7.00x: 76%; Total 7.QBWx: 90%

What is genomics? Eric Topol MD answers that question

Studying genomics and quantitative biology at MIT (Part II)

Studying genomics and quantitative biology at MIT Part I

Verified Link to Certificate

For Part I, see here.

Week 5 is now live: gene expression and genomics with python & Eric Lander PhD. The first thing we get to learn in genomics and quantitative biology is the importance of patenting & patents ;-)

... and since we are talking about money...
"It would take 30 years for computers to get a million fold increase in speed. It takes you three days to get 300 billion letters of DNA... And now people have announced another factor five..."
(5 times quicker than 3 days!...)

Wainting for the $100 era..
 Maybe Asia (how about India?) is the right place for that -- & NOT the US...

DNA has a diameter of about 2.5 nanometers:
Name of the course: Quantitative Biology Workshop -- #QBWx on twitter. This MOOC is offered by edX & MIT.