Chinese people and people from New-Zealand do have one thing in common: they are a Nation of farmers. Peasants. Once you've established this, all you can talk about are... differences... There's a gap between both countries: Chinese love the noise and big crowds, they love to rush, they couldn't care less about ecology. Earth health is not an issue for them. They don't give a flying freck...
In New-Zealand, people love to take their time, they also find it highly enjoyable to contemplate a beautiful and quiet landscape... They are all about sustainable farming... Eco freaks... Earth health and sustainable development are top priorities here (throughout the country). "Avatar" is a movie about environment and sustainable production of energy... OK. First things first. "Avatar" is entertainment stuff... The environment storyline musn't be too strident... James Cameron wants to shoot "Avatar 2" (and 3 and 4) with a crew of "as much as possible" Chinese actors. Here, in New-Zealand. Guess why...
My wild guess: because he wants to educate worldwide leading nation (China in just a few years) about earth health...
Ethics is boring stuff, where entertainement is not... Cameron hiring Chinese actors for Avatar 2 etc.? Smart move... and quite the challenge...
Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)
Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).
To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!
Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.
I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
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Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
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Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Big Pharma and Hollywood: the NO INNOVATION mantra
Big Pharma and Hollywood gained their privileges because of the innovation (breakthrough) they brought about... Now they take those privileges for granted... Fire the innovative people and hire financial and legal experts instead... whose mission is: maintain the privileges at all costs. Forget about the innovation...
It is only normal that, in such a context, innovative people try to achieve hudge, hollywood-like projects... but innovative projects... Just like Hollywood did in the past...
Think of "Avatar", the "Lord of the Ring" Trilogy...
Did you know that you can print your own medicine thanks to 3D bioprinting? You no longer need the "help" of Big Pharma to find and take your medication...
Hollywood and Big Pharma: Barbarians became Emperors... A well-known story... And yet... Other Barbarians are ready for a "war" against Emperors... Another well-known story?...
It is only normal that, in such a context, innovative people try to achieve hudge, hollywood-like projects... but innovative projects... Just like Hollywood did in the past...
Think of "Avatar", the "Lord of the Ring" Trilogy...
Did you know that you can print your own medicine thanks to 3D bioprinting? You no longer need the "help" of Big Pharma to find and take your medication...
Hollywood and Big Pharma: Barbarians became Emperors... A well-known story... And yet... Other Barbarians are ready for a "war" against Emperors... Another well-known story?...
Mega and Bitcoin: meet Digital Switzerland
"Mega" clients (Kim Dotcom, offering file-locker service with limited government regulation) will pay with bitcoins: digital money, Swiss Banking Regulation (SBR) instead of FBI... Digital payment combined with upload services... both are no longer subject to (hopefully) any government regulation... Digital freedom for "citizens without governments" (citizens freeing themselves from lobbies-biaised governments, that is)... Governments for the people, by the people. Forget it. Government now means: governed by lobbies' financial interests... People got sick of it...
Here, in Wellington (pic: Moana Lodge, Plimmerton, New Zealand), you can see James Cameron: he's just moved here for the shooting of Avatar 2 to 4 in NZ... He'd like to hire loads of Chinese actors, but... loads of cultural obstacles need to be overcome first: language is only one, and not the biggest... New Zealanders are cool and minimal fuss. They don't like big crowds, noise, (financial) hype and show-off... Chinese people, on the contrary... New-Zealand is a small-town-country, really...having awesome landscapes... It's not a huge society, unlike China... Maybe Cameron should hire ("curry") Indians instead? And how about Native Americans? "Feather" Indians do have some cool war dances ;-)
Here, in Wellington (pic: Moana Lodge, Plimmerton, New Zealand), you can see James Cameron: he's just moved here for the shooting of Avatar 2 to 4 in NZ... He'd like to hire loads of Chinese actors, but... loads of cultural obstacles need to be overcome first: language is only one, and not the biggest... New Zealanders are cool and minimal fuss. They don't like big crowds, noise, (financial) hype and show-off... Chinese people, on the contrary... New-Zealand is a small-town-country, really...having awesome landscapes... It's not a huge society, unlike China... Maybe Cameron should hire ("curry") Indians instead? And how about Native Americans? "Feather" Indians do have some cool war dances ;-)
Europe 1.0
In France medicine is organised around the physicians' needs (not the patients') and education is all about the needs of teachers (forget about the students)... In the average French middle school, students can choose ancient Greek as an option. So typical... Why not informatics or genomics instead? Europe has fallen asleep and will remain so for the next 10 years...
Le Seigneur des Anneaux
Peter Jackson est un enfant de Wellington. Depuis son enfance, il sait qu'il adaptera le paysage unique de son pays (la terre du Milieu de nulle part) a une histoire tout aussi unique a ses yeux : celle des Hobbits et de leur quête un peu trop grande pour un pays , perdu au Milieu de nulle part... Avoir du succès, oui, mais avant tout : raconter SON monde ...
Il y a des jours ou Peter Jackson ne trouve même pas le temps d'enfiler ses chaussures ... Il VIT dans son histoire ... depuis des années ... Rarement vu quelqu'un avec une folie plus contagieuse qu'une gastro ... Ben y a lui ... Comme y a James Cameron pour Avatar ... Le pionnier de toute cette folie ? Bah je dirais bien : "La Guerre des Etoiles" ...
Merci a John et Kathleen Day au B&B de Chestnut Lane Cottage, Eldonwood, Matamata. Ces gens -la vivent dans l'esprit de Hobbiton ... C'est un cadeau précieux ...
Il y a des jours ou Peter Jackson ne trouve même pas le temps d'enfiler ses chaussures ... Il VIT dans son histoire ... depuis des années ... Rarement vu quelqu'un avec une folie plus contagieuse qu'une gastro ... Ben y a lui ... Comme y a James Cameron pour Avatar ... Le pionnier de toute cette folie ? Bah je dirais bien : "La Guerre des Etoiles" ...
Merci a John et Kathleen Day au B&B de Chestnut Lane Cottage, Eldonwood, Matamata. Ces gens -la vivent dans l'esprit de Hobbiton ... C'est un cadeau précieux ...
Lord of the Ring
Matamata... I love the town... And the people... Special thanks to Kathleen and John Day, B&B Chestnut Lane Cottage, Eldonwood, Matamata. Thanks for the advice, the food, the spotless and charming cottage... I'd love to live here... Small town... 5.500 souls in this village... the... Hobbit Village...
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
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Pour le Nouvel An chinois, annee du serpent d'eau, fetes en famille en Malaisie ... Rencontre informelle avec les VP Marketing de Google Inc. et KPMG Consulting. Ils me disent que des etudes tres serieuses prevoient une France republique islamiste dans 30 ans ... |
Si vous recherchez les coordonnées d'une pharmacie de garde, n'appelez pas le 15 ni le commissariat de police de votre ville
C'est pourtant la démarche que l'on conseille au patient lambda qui a besoin de médicaments suite au passage d'un médecin de SOS médecins un samedi soir à 20h30 ...
Or cela ne sert à rien ...
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Il n'est pas normal que ni le 15 ni le commissariat de police de ma ville aient été en mesure de me communiquer les coordonnées de la pharmacie de garde la plus proche de mon domicile ... Il est URGENT de revoir l'organisation de tout notre système de santé ...
Je porte ce témoignage sur le conseil de ma pharmacienne, vue ce dimanche matin à Rueil-Malmaison. Elle a reconnu être familière avec ce genre d'anecdotes ...
Or cela ne sert à rien ...
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Il n'est pas normal que ni le 15 ni le commissariat de police de ma ville aient été en mesure de me communiquer les coordonnées de la pharmacie de garde la plus proche de mon domicile ... Il est URGENT de revoir l'organisation de tout notre système de santé ...
Je porte ce témoignage sur le conseil de ma pharmacienne, vue ce dimanche matin à Rueil-Malmaison. Elle a reconnu être familière avec ce genre d'anecdotes ...
Haiku: Future 2.0
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