Canadian computer game that lets anyone contribute to #genomics scientific research; READ @globeandmail Sep 28 2013
— Génome Québec (@GenomeQuebec) September 30, 2013
Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)
Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).
To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!
Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.
Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).
I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...
Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.
Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (
Canadian computer game that lets anyone contribute to #genomics scientific research
La e-santé par Jean-Michel Billaut
My latest Blog (& Plea!) on the patients health record, it could be so simple for everyone!
— Anthony Harvey (@TinyTonyH) September 30, 2013
Ex. of homemade medical devices from around the world
.@SUMedicine: To "make stuff," you don't always need a fancy lab. @jfgm shows ex. of homemade medical devices from around the world. #MedX
— Jose Gomez-Marquez (@jfgm) September 30, 2013
Medicine needs a monstrous data reboot
Future data scientist @NewYorker
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 30, 2013
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"Forever medicine has been a two-person sport, with an information flow from doctor to patient. We need to collaborate" @rzeiger #MedX
— Rock Health (@Rock_Health) September 27, 2013
Will need a lot of experimentation to figure out how to apply math and data science to health improvement - let's get going @vkhosla #MedX
— claudiawilliams (@claudiawilliams) September 29, 2013
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+1 RT @McDawg: MT @rzeiger EVERY patient should have access to full text articles about their disease @gfry #medx #openaccess #openscience
— Open Science Fedn (@openscience) September 30, 2013
Did you see The Next Generation of Health Data Analysis yesterday w/ our CTO and Co-founder Ivo? #medx
— BodyMedia (@BodyMedia) September 30, 2013
@TeamMDrs @CancerGeek there's also the trait of openness to experience that plays a role, and predicts resistance to change #hcsm
— Matthew Loxton (@mloxton) September 30, 2013
Apple Health Inc. looking for app developers worldwide
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Regina Holliday: "The Graphic Interface" |
@ReginaHolliday The chromosome of medicine is going global. Closed door medicine era is over. Next challenge: my body, my data, right? #MedX
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 30, 2013
.@vkhosla signing my tune. It’s not that we’ll dismantle traditional healthcare, just that tech & empowered patients will obsolete it #MedX
— Nick Dawson (@nickdawson) September 29, 2013
@_AppleProducts @TheAppleInc @applenws @appleinsider looking 4 health app dev ww. Here are the details #MedX #mHealth
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 30, 2013
Apple Health Inc. looking for app developers worldwide Here are the details #MedX #mHealth @Billaut @EricTopol #CDoM"If you think you could help develop this into an app which everyone can use. If you are a company, university, that could bring this to fruition please contact me."
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 30, 2013
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Open edX: thanks to Google, you'll soon be able to create your MOOC
The future of Personal Health Records
@TinyTonyH My body, my data, right? Ever heard of the "Homo Possessus" fiction? #genomics #CDoM #P4Medicine #MedXHow can citizens bring new concepts to
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 30, 2013
"A completely new way of recording and saving your own Personal Health Record centred around you the patient and not how the medical healthcare industry wants you to see your information. It focuses on a visual human body that can be adjusted to suit men, women young and old, even if English is not your language. Information can be sent to you from your doctor, dentist, your hospital which 3DVC then converts to add to your medical record to give you a high level overview of you! Don't worry, all detailed information is held in the background for use by the medical profession and you decide what you want to share with them. Visual communication aides which can be used in any industry where complex tasks need to be completed by groups of workers where language barriers or noise can be a problem. It is also designed to take into consideration the next generation of computer gadgets, such as Google glasses and future development with the X-box Kinect."
My body, my data, right? Ever heard of the "Homo Possessus" fiction?
Do we own our own body (and genes and organs?) A book series about people and who owns them. The "Homo Possessus" fan page on FB is aimed at knowledge sharing for all and by all, so your contribution is welcome and wanted! Please, come take a look, and why not like and share!
#Gamification in #MedicalResearch has parallel in early software coding on compilers
I see #Gamification in #MedicalResearch has parallel in early software coding on compilers #MedX @dheerajakula
— Dheeraj Akula (@dheerajakula) September 30, 2013
Stanford Medicine X is a catalyst for new ideas about the future of medicine and emerging technologies
Missing @StanfordMedX news? Here's a recap of the conference - #MedX
— Stanford Medicine (@SUMedicine) October 2, 2013
For more information and videos from #MedX 2013, go to our main website at
— Stanford Medicine X (@StanfordMedX) September 29, 2013
People & organizations mean well when they say they r "patient-centered" but #Stanford's #Medx is the real deal. Wonderful experience.
— Michael A. Weiss (@HospitalPatient) September 30, 2013
3yrs now MT @HospitalPatient: I've been 2many #medical conferences ~ @StanfordMedX is the only 1 where #Patients Rcenter-stage 24/7. #medx
— Deb Boyce (@IM4PBS) September 30, 2013
#MedX Day 3 summary & takeaway: Thanks for a great conference everyone! Let's stay in touch. #HCSM #MedEd
— Roheet Kakaday (@TheBiopsy) September 30, 2013
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MT @cascadia: Gentle reminder - patients, their family & caregivers are only members of healthcare system not paid to be there #MedX
— Jim Rawson MD (@Jim_Rawson_MD) September 30, 2013
“@jcolbertMD: "In the next 10 years data sciences will do more to improve healthcare than all biological sciences combined." @vkhosla #MedX”
— John S. Bracken (@jsb) September 30, 2013
RT @StanfordMedX: "#MedX seems to be very unique and radically putting patients at the center of the process"-@dennisjboyle
— SavingCase (@savingcase) September 30, 2013
"We've been trying to fix the system for years, we need to engage people who work in the system to help change it," says a Doc.
@timautrey We've been trying to fix the system for years, we need to engage people who work in the system to help change it. #medx
— Kathy Nieder MD (@docnieder) September 29, 2013
Genomic Musical Hitting Broadway!
#HomoPossessus #indivmed #P4Medicine #genomics #CDoM #mHealth "Homo Possessus", genomic musical hitting #Broadway!
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 14, 2013
@portablegenomic @EricTopol In Dec. 2010, S. Jobs started the "Homo Possessus" project.The 1rst genomic musical ever?"Homo Possessus": Do we own our own body (and genes and organs)? Will this be the first Genomic Musical ever?
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 1, 2013
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Do we own our own body (and genes and organs?) A book series about people and who owns them. Medicine and science are transforming mankind (homo sapiens). I'm writing a book series about people and who owns them, about cyberpunks, bio hackers, DIY Bio. Digital devices, sensors, big and small data, genomics, 3D printing, bioengineering, organ replacement technologies (and donation and trafficking): what do WE THE PEOPLE have to say about this?
In Dec. 2010, I've met with transplant patient Steve Jobs and we got started on this...
"Homo Possessus" Project. The Book - The Movie - The Musical.
Follow #HomoPossessus on Facebook:
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DNA is a profoundly digital molecule
Indeed: "DNA is a profoundly digital molecule" - @antonioregalado #DigitalHealth
— Paul Sonnier (@Paul_Sonnier) September 29, 2013
I'm super proud of this one! Thanks, @portablegenomic!
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Had a great time following Stanford MedicineX
Medtronic's artificial pancreas gets FDA approval
RT @MichHolsman: Medtronic's artificial pancreas gets FDA approval #diabetes #digitalhealth #pm101 #t1d
— Robert West PhD (@westr) September 29, 2013
Toronto doctor develops "O.R. black box" to catch potentially deadly surgical errors
Toronto doctor @TGrantcharovMD develops ‘O.R. black box’ to catch potentially deadly surgical errors #DigitalHealth
— Paul Sonnier (@Paul_Sonnier) September 29, 2013
Whole genome sequencing, really?
Why is it called "whole genome sequencing" when at best it is ~96% complete? #genomics
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 29, 2013
Steve Jobs left a legacy for personalized medicine
Steve Jobs left a legacy for personalized medicine #pm101...
— Ruby Gadelrab (@DivaBiotech) September 28, 2013
#googleglass is natural evolution for surgery
#medx @Zgjr #googleglass is natural evolution for surgery
— Denise Silber (@health20Paris) September 29, 2013
What will disrupt how we do things everyday in the OR? @mHealthSurgeon discussing how #Glass can change medical practice. #medx
— Einstein Coll of Med (@EinsteinMed) September 29, 2013
Doctors foresee a Google Glass view of surgeries via @BostonGlobe #medex @Futuremedtech
— R.Grossmann,MD,FACS (@ZGJR) September 30, 2013
GeneChip - measuring every gene in the #genome
MT @StanfordMedX: .@atulbutte shows the GeneChip - measures every gene in the #genome. #MedX
— Kathy Mackey (@mkmackey) September 29, 2013
"We make searching the genome as easy as finding a Starbucks around the corner"
DNA Guide leverages a mapping technology used by the defense and telecommunications industry to distribute personal mobile genome maps and reports at the point of care. We make searching the genome as easy as finding a Starbucks around the corner."
Tweets by @dnatimes
0.008% of global worldwide population have access to scientific articles. The world is not a knowledge democraty.
No doubt Steve Jobs would have loved this...
90% of scientific journals = paywalls. Almost prevented @JackAndraka from discovering revolutionary new testing protocol. OPEN SCIENCE #medx
— Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) September 28, 2013
"This became a platform for any disease"-@jackandraka on his paper sensor #MedX
— Stanford Medicine X (@StanfordMedX) September 28, 2013
RT: OPEN SCIENCE. How many young scientists like @JackAndraka are thwarted from discovery by journal subscription rates? #medx @MightyCasey
— Brave Bosom (@BraveBosom) September 28, 2013
+1000 "Together we can bring down one of the greatest road blocks in scientific research" says @jackandraka Medicine X core conference kicked off yesterday, and today’s events has just begun with a keynote speech from Maryland high school student Jack Andraka. At age 15, Andraka created a novel paper sensor that detects pancreatic, ovarian and lung cancer in five minutes and costs a mere three cents. Andraka’s outstanding talk, titled "On curiosity, open source research, and the new scientist," has just made me cry... tears of hope - hope that things will change... For now, 90% of scientific journals online have paywalls... Read about Jack Andraka at MedicineX Stanford here and here.
— Graham Steel (@McDawg) September 28, 2013
Andraka’s talk, titled “On curiosity, open source research, and the new scientist,”
- See more at:
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"Science should be a basic human right". Jack Andraka |
Please Donate Your Data!
Research is important and leads to important discoveries that make our lives better. Your donated data may help.
— Mary Dixon Drake (@CogentP) September 28, 2013
India is positioned to be the global leader on innovating in telemedicine
Looks like India is positioned to be the global leader on innovating in telemedicine. Let's all learn from them, shall we? #medx
— Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) September 29, 2013
"Medical students can earn academic credit for editing medical content on Wikipedia."
Information convergence--Top sources of info for med students: #1 @google #2 @Wikipedia @UCSF working on #2 #meded
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 29, 2013
Information coach a new job for the future. Help us weed out the stupid things
Information coach a new job for the future. Help us weed out the stupid things @ePatientDave rockin' it at #medx
— Louise Schaper (@louise_schaper) September 28, 2013
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Excellent to see medical informatics on the #medx stage @paulctang @AMIAinformatics
— HISA (@HISA_news) September 28, 2013
The History of Genetics
The History of Genetics
— Jean Michel Billaut (@Billaut) September 29, 2013
"Scientific journals should be as accessible as pop culture"
Digital Healthcare: RT @StanfordMedX: "Scientific journals should be as accessible as pop culture" -@jackandraka #MedX #openaccess
— Robert West PhD (@westr) September 29, 2013
Steal This Research Paper! (You Already Paid for It.) Great article about @mbeisen and @PLOS #openaccess
— Jessica Richman (@venturejessica) September 30, 2013
Meet MedX e-vangelizing or Tweet-vangelizing Lisa Fields a the Stanford MedX Conference
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Key take-away points from my talk at Stanford #MedX Conference
— James Colbert (@jcolbertMD) September 29, 2013
Thx! RT @cathcoste Meet MedX e-vangelizing or Tweet-vangelizing Lisa Fields a the #MedX Conference: @PracticalWisdom
— Lisa Fields (@PracticalWisdom) September 29, 2013
"Prognosis: Your Diagnosis" - Dr House for Doctors
RT @CMichaelGibson: ZERO people have killed themselves by Googling their dx. How many harmed by old knowledge? #medx
— Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) September 29, 2013
Latest information on deaths from medical errors, via @LeahBinder: 440,000/year (Journal of Pt Safety) #medx
— Dave deBronkart (@ePatientDave) September 28, 2013
- #1 ranked medical app with over 1,500,000 downloads !- Featured in Discover Magazine as 'Dr House for Doctors'
- Winner of the prize for the Best Health App at the World Summit Awards for Mobile Apps, 2012
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Kaiser Permanente shares their vision of the future of Healthcare at NASA mHealth Conference
Stanford Medicine X: Live chat tonight with Medicine X ePatients
RT @StanfordMedX: For more information and videos from #MedX 2013, go to our main website at
— Deb Boyce (@IM4PBS) September 30, 2013
Medicinex Intersection of medicine and emerging technologies at Stanford video talks #MedX
— Equity & Health (@eqpaho) September 28, 2013
What strikes me about this #S4pm session on diagnosis: the 440k medical error deaths don't even COUNT wrong diagnoses as an "error" #medx
— Dave deBronkart (@ePatientDave) September 28, 2013
@ePatientDave 3 challenges 1) health literacy impacts 100 million 2) most care not evidenced based 3) culture - pt more informed than doc
— Sherry Reynolds (@Cascadia) September 28, 2013
Courtesy of Symplur, #MedX 2013 analytics:
— Stanford Medicine X (@StanfordMedX) September 27, 2013
.@larrychu, #MedX director, thanks ePatient Advisory Board for their support and assistance, brings them up to the stage.
— Stanford Medicine X (@StanfordMedX) September 27, 2013
MT @nickdawson: #MedX is the number 1 trending topic on twitter in the US - that’s the power of patient voices!
— Dossia (@Dossia) September 27, 2013
RT @ginnydillon: Jack Andraka invented a sensor that detects ovary, liver & pancreas cancer in 5 min!-keynote #MedX
— A Fresh Chapter (@afreshchapter) August 25, 2013
Teen cancer researcher Jack Andraka discusses open access in science, stagnation in medicine via @MedScopeBog #MedX
— Inspire (@teaminspire) June 3, 2013
Must Read: Q&A w/ #MedX keynote speaker @jackandraka about his work, open access in science & stagnation in #medicine
— Stanford Medicine X (@StanfordMedX) June 3, 2013
"Julien Artu, who suffered a serious car accident in 2011, created Hospital Affinity. After being hospitalized for two months and in physical therapy for another three months Julien decided to create a tool that would help humanize a patients hospital experience. He created Hospital Affinity. A first of a kind network enabling patients to share and communicate with each other."
Congrats Julien, you totally deserve it!
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#medx core: Academics. Emerging technologies. Inclusion. Problem solving. Acceptance. Understanding. Help. Fun. Zoe.
— Natasha Burgert (@DoctorNatasha) September 27, 2013
8 reasons u should b at #MedX
— Bryan Vartabedian (@Doctor_V) September 27, 2013
Keynote speakers Marion O'Connor, lead specialist dietician at @OUHospitals, and ePatient Michael Seres on blogs & intestinal transplants."In the course of your work; have you seen promising efforts to mitigate the problem of patient harm? Please briefly describe how the model works."
— Stanford Medicine (@SUMedicine) September 27, 2013
Tweets by @MyHospiFriends
#MedX we'd love to hear 'People help the people' by @OfficialBirdy Good choice of music for @StanfordMedX;-) @nickdawson @stales @westr Thx
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 28, 2013
Thx #MedX as you bring 2gethR myriads of entrenched patient associations @StanfordMedX @nickdawson @stales @westr @ideo @itsthebunk @IM4PBS
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 28, 2013
Thx #MedX as U bring 2gethR myriads of entrenched patient associations+reboot medicine! @StanfordMedX @EricTopol #CDoM #P4Medicine #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 28, 2013
Term e-patient was coined in 2005
@SkiNatasha term e-patient was coined in 2005 by Tom Fergeuson long before change in pre-existing #MedX
— Sherry Reynolds (@Cascadia) September 28, 2013
Knowledge aristocracy to knowledge democracy @jackandraka #medlibs #MedX
— Nicole C (@InfoCybrarian) September 28, 2013
23andMe Wants to Take Its DNA Tests Mass-Market
More important, perhaps, 23andMe is about to announce a private-sector partnership that could be a model for bringing millions more consumers on board. 'The most important thing right now is scale,' says Page. 'Once we get that, then the business model will follow.' Opportunities could range from new areas of research to services aimed at communities that form around particular traits or ancestry.
23andMe, named after the 23 pairs of chromosomes that each person carries, has some natural advantages in the race to establish the leading direct-to-consumer genomics firm. The firm pioneered the use of crowdsourced genetic data for research on diseases such as Parkinson’s, myeloproliferative neoplasms, and sarcoma. Another is the high profile of its chief executive officer and co-founder, Anne Wojcicki. A biologist turned businesswoman, Wojcicki recently separated from her husband, Google (GOOG) co-founder Sergey Brin, who’s invested millions in the company."
400,000 individuals w/ #genomic data RT @GholsonLyon @23andMe Wants to Take Its DNA Tests Mass-Market
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 28, 2013
"Smartphones are getting better. but how about one that can photograph a single virus?"
"Smartphones are getting better. but how about one that can photograph a single virus?" via @ReginaHolliday #mHealth
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 28, 2013
Engineered immune cells that control HIV
It is now possible to engineer immune cells to control HIV for a sustained period of time without other treatment
— Ray Hammond (@rayhammond2030) September 28, 2013
Facebook and genetics labs team up to help doctors make personalized predictions about their patients
"@techreview: Facebook and genetics labs team up to help doctors make personalized predictions about their patients."
— Roberto Ibeas ★ (@RobertoIbeas) September 28, 2013
Follow me on Twitter (spending a lot of time there...)
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Open-sourcing your genomic data
Open-sourcing your genomic data #tech #technology #irb #johnwilbanks #sagebionetworks #bigdata
— preciseTechnology (@preciseTechno) April 29, 2012
We're proud to partner with @GeneticAlliance on a15,000-member rare disease support community: #RareDisease #MedX
— Inspire (@teaminspire) September 28, 2013
A tool for patients to create networks: Genetic Alliance. @drworkman: this is where we're moving in the future. #medx
— Einstein Coll of Med (@EinsteinMed) September 28, 2013
ePatient Advisory Board
YAY ePatient Advisory board! #medx
— CarlyRM (@CarlyRM) September 27, 2013
RT @CatchTheBaby: Imagine the power of citizens to analyze open data, solve med problems thru crowdsourcing - @Stephen_Friend #medxWell, to start with, this:
— The Dish Daily (@TheDishDaily) September 27, 2013
Death 2.0
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MT @StanfordMedX @ReginaHolliday We must try to get public and culture to embrace that we're all going to die one day. #MedX #lcsm
— Janet Freeman-Daily (@JFreemanDaily) September 28, 2013
Huge: don't forget palliative care is not just for end of life. It's about explicit discussion of patient goals #MedX
— Roni Zeiger (@rzeiger) September 27, 2013
An example of challenges in patient/doc communication: Talking with doctors while terminally ill @ScopeMedBlog #MedX
— Inspire (@teaminspire) September 28, 2013
"Mobile health risks becoming a digital safari ...that only the rich can afford"
Mobile health risks becoming a digital safari ...that only the rich can afford @dvansickle #MedX
— Dr Kim, MD (@DrKimMD) September 27, 2013
Ugh the (attempted) patenting of the BRCA genes hurt my scientist soul. Knowledge for the human good! #MedX
— Anita Y Cheng (@anitaycheng) September 27, 2013
IBM Watson at Work in Healthcare: Helping Doctors Fight Cancer
IBM Watson at Work in Healthcare: Helping Doctors Fight Cancer | @scoopit via @ToneDefSocial
— Heather Swift (@heatherswifty) September 27, 2013
#video: IBM Research's John Kelly: How Watson Works
— IBMWatson Bot (@ibmwatsonbot) September 27, 2013
"Being an #ePatient: can feel like crashing a party you're not invited to"
#MedX @StephenFriend announces #SageBionetworks has grant to build three "bridge" projects to bring citizen researchers into loop.
— Janet Rae-Dupree (@jraedupree) September 27, 2013
#Medx Q. Are implantable devices designed with no thought of life expectancy & ease of replacement.& #implant failures?
— Anthony Harvey (@TinyTonyH) September 27, 2013
Being an #ePatient: can feel like crashing a party you're not invited to. From an audience member. #medx
— Liza Bernstein (@itsthebunk) September 27, 2013
@Pcori #medx the question I wanted to ask was how do everyday people (ie. patients) realistically find and join research collaborators?
— Rupa Patel (@rupatel) September 27, 2013
Example that is great but another indicator of a problem-"Involving patients in research".Patients are who the research is for right? #MedX
— Alan Brewington (@abrewi3010) September 27, 2013
Involving patients in research, the #PCORI story #MedX #CER #PCOR #EBM #Medicine #Health
— Elin Silveous (@ElinSilveous) September 28, 2013
Thx #MedX as U bring 2gethR myriads of entrenched patient associations+reboot medicine! @StanfordMedX @EricTopol #CDoM #P4Medicine #genomics
— CATHERINE COSTE (@cathcoste) September 28, 2013
A 3D Anatomage table for virtual cadaver dissection
Among the remarkable technologies on display at #medx, the 3D Anatomage table for virtual cadaver dissection
— david goldsmith (@dsgold) September 27, 2013
Ghosts of data past, the virtual Rosetta Stone and the data-history-of-our-times theory
Check out @jamyn's article on memory and data, 'Ghosts Of Data Past' on HuffPo! (@techstars @dash_labs)
— Eugene Chung (@eyc) May 11, 2013
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The data-driven future of [...journalism, health care, research...] (HT @cmschroed @owenthomas) #medx
— Susannah Fox (@SusannahFox) September 8, 2013
"Dino-doc's days are numbered"
Doctors who fail to recognize patient expertise in their own care are dinosaurs. Dino-doc's days are numbered. #medx
— Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) September 27, 2013
#medx Many patient testimonials give strength to all re importance narratives. Listening. Dialogue. Ideas. Improvements. #SoMe
— Denise Silber (@health20Paris) September 27, 2013
"We don't want to just activate the patient. We want to activate the physician." @PCORI investigator Dr. Ming-Tai Seale #medx
— Casey Quinlan (@MightyCasey) September 27, 2013
"Technology-enabled patient engagement system more broadly is not fundamentally a Healthcare IT system. It is a Public Health IT system"
Technology-enabled patient engagement system more broadly is not fundamentally a Healthcare IT system. It is a Public Health IT system #MedX
— SPINNPHR.COM (@SPINN_PHR) September 27, 2013
"Medical Education Needs Major Surgery" (Eric Topol MD)
Good ? RT @michaelseid11 RT @mjseres: @StanfordMedX how about patients co-producing medical school curriculum? #MedX
— Ann Becker-Schutte (@DrBeckerSchutte) September 28, 2013
@StanfordMedX how about patients co-producing medical school curriculum? #MedX
— Michael Seres (@mjseres) September 27, 2013
YES YES YES!!! RT @MightyCasey: Humanities disciplines are AS IMPORTANT to #meded as biochem. There, I said it. #medx #medx"Medical-school costs have risen at double the rate of inflation in recent decades, with average annual tuition and fees now about $50,000. Since most medical students must borrow to pay for their education, physician debt has grown sharply. The median for 2012 graduates was $170,000, and more than a tenth of private-school graduates owe more than $300,000, according to the Association of American Medical Colleges. Meanwhile, physician income is widely expected to decline under ObamaCare. Rising educational debt and the prospect of declining income threaten to reduce the number of young men and women who choose medicine as a career."
— Liza Bernstein (@itsthebunk) September 27, 2013
Medical Education Needs Major Surgery #meded Many excellent points
— Eric Topol (@EricTopol) September 27, 2013
Also, care teams would be trained together, collaboratively and with mixed disciplines. Docs, nurses, etc together. #whatifhc #medx
— Annie Valdes (@annievaldes) September 28, 2013