Scientific MOOCs follower. Author of Airpocalypse, a techno-medical thriller (Out Summer 2017)

Welcome to the digital era of biology (and to this modest blog I started in early 2005).

To cure many diseases, like cancer or cystic fibrosis, we will need to target genes (mutations, for ex.), not organs! I am convinced that the future of replacement medicine (organ transplant) is genomics (the science of the human genome). In 10 years we will be replacing (modifying) genes; not organs!

Anticipating the $100 genome era and the P4™ medicine revolution. P4 Medicine (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, & Participatory): Catalyzing a Revolution from Reactive to Proactive Medicine.

I am an early adopter of scientific MOOCs. I've earned myself four MIT digital diplomas: 7.00x, 7.28x1, 7.28.x2 and 7QBWx. Instructor of 7.00x: Eric Lander PhD.

Upcoming books: Airpocalypse, a medical thriller (action taking place in Beijing) 2017; Jesus CRISPR Superstar, a sci-fi -- French title: La Passion du CRISPR (2018).

I love Genomics. Would you rather donate your data, or... your vital organs? Imagine all the people sharing their data...

Audio files on this blog are Windows files ; if you have a Mac, you might want to use VLC ( to read them.

Concernant les fichiers son ou audio (audio files) sur ce blog : ce sont des fichiers Windows ; pour les lire sur Mac, il faut les ouvrir avec VLC (

Eric Lander PhD, Geneticist: "Please share your data! The Cancer Genome Project."

MITx 7.00 MOOC "Intro to Biology - The Secret of Life". Lecture week 13.Instructor: Eric Lander PhD.

Eric Lander, PhD, involved in the Human Genome Project, MIT Professor:

"What has been so cool, in the past four or five years, as we talked about DNA sequencing, it's gotten so cheap that you could sequence every patient's own cancer and compare it to their normal DNA. And find that patient's mutations. And you can imagine a world where every patient will have their genome sequenced and their tumor sequenced. And a physician could use that information, as we collect more of it, to figure out which drugs to be using in which combinations. And that's a world we're all imagining right now, a world where that could happen. It's going to take a lot of work to get there. And in my opinion, it's going to take a lot of sharing.

Because we're going to need information pooled from patients around the world. Because we're going to have to learn which patients respond well to which drugs as a function of which mutations they have. And if they have a relapse and the cancer becomes resistant to the drug, which mutations have happened? We're going to need to pool all that, which means I think we're going to need to have some kind of common, agreed upon data sharing mechanisms where patients can voluntarily-- it's up to them-- but voluntarily say, 'count me in. I'm willing to share my data with other people sharing their data so we can build a big enough data set that we can learn what works best.' And I wouldn't be surprised over the next couple of years we see a kind of alliance across many institutions in the world and patients in many countries to try to create that knowledge base. It's kind of like a human cancer Genome Project, but where it's the humans who are involved who are doing it, or the patients who are doing it. And I think it's going to be a really important thing."

MITx 7.00 MOOC "Intro to Biology - The Secret of Life". Lecture week 13.

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