A picture of me that means a lot to me. |
Found it digging in the archives of this blog...
I am in Malaysia, this is May 2011 and I am trying to pray (buddhist style) for the victims of organ trafficking in China. I had to convince the lady in the temple to let me perform this religious ritual as I told her I was acting on behalf of families of dead Chinese prisoners. If you are hungry for the gruesome details, read
"Bloody Harvest" by my friend David Kilgour and his colleague, Canadian lawyer David Matas (you'll be sorry you asked). There was really a lot of smoke in there (I can't see it on the picture, but I do recall it) and plenty of monkeys right next to the entrance of this cave (the temple is actually a cave) located in the mountain. "The monkeys are my bodyguards," so I told half jokingly the lady, since my Chinese astrological sign is earth monkey. I was lucky the lady could speak Mandarin Chinese (she didn't speak English), since Cantonese Chinese speakers are very frequent in Malaysia, but Mandarin... not so much. She looked as I performed my "ritual". This is probably the only time in my life I really tried to pray, ironically this was in a religious language I was not at all familiar with: buddhism. When I was done she poured me some tea, like she was Sheldon Cooper in
Big Bang Theory, offering Bernadette (Soubirous, that lady of Lourdes Caves in France) a hot beverage. She commented in a sad voice (kind of talking to herself): "No religion will ever be able to stop this".
I really hope that cool CRISPR-Cas 9 genome editing tool will work, sooner than later. Spoke with my friend David Kilgour today. Those atrocities are still going on...
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